Oh, HELL no

Oct 22, 2009 17:59

Need medical care because you were raped? Too bad. Rape is now a pre-existing condition.

Don't talk to me about it.

Do something.

I did.


America's Health Insurance Plans is the trade group that represents health insurance companies. They maintain that "insurers do not discriminate against victims of sexual assault."

America’s Health Insurance Plans
601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
South Building
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20004

Switchboard: 202.778.3200
Fax: 202.331.7487
Email: ahip@ahip.org

Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New York ( who denied Kimberley Fallon coverage of her rape exam, therapy, and medication because she had been "raped before.")

Empire BlueCross BlueShield
One Liberty Plaza
New York, NY 10006
Telephone: 1-212-476-1000

Thanks, tesserae_ for the links and the contact info.

don't make me get my flying monkeys, links to the outside world

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