It's all about meme

Dec 15, 2008 03:04

DEEP SURVEY~ Honestly answer the following 20 questions... can you get through them without lying???

1 - Why are you best friends with your best friend?
Because we have a deep understanding of each other

2 - What bothers you the most about other people?
How their actions contradict what they really feel.

3 - Would you ever marry for money?
No...but I would consider it for citizenship if I had to.

4 - Do you prefer to text message or talk on the phone?
Depends on with who.

5 - Do you believe that 30 really is the new 20?

6 - If you had a crush on someone would you tell them?
Obviously not.

7 - What is one of the toughest things you ever had to do?
Some days, everything seems tough

8 - Name a challenge you are faced with on a reg basis?
not losing my shit

9 - Do you cry a lot?
Not really

10 - Do you have a plan?
Kind of.

11 - Do you think its possible to only love one person for the rest of your life?
No. I think there are many levels and gradations of love. Therefore, you can love many people, just, differently-agreed

12 - Are you close with your family?
Sort of...certain people

13 - Name one thing that you are good at?

14 - Name one thing that you are bad at?

15 - Your thoughts on Karma?
Sometimes, I think the world uses me as it's avatar for it.

16 - What does the 5th text message in your inbox say?
"Hey Drunky"

17 - What did you reply to it?
"Hey Stefie"

18 - What do you do for a living?
Run a raiding guild on World of warcraft, and collect unemployment, lol

19 - Do you honk your horn at old people when they are driving bad?
Not unless they cut me off

20 - Why did you do this survey?
Because I am fucking hung over.
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