Apr 19, 2005 20:32
Seventeen years! Wow, I feel old... This year I acctually took the time to think back on my life, corny as that may sound, and I found it really interesting.
I remember the weirdest things; like the first time I moved, the time I got Chickenpox (exciting stuff), and, well, a lot of memories came from my Elementary times and almost none came from middle school or high school. Weird, huh?
I did realize how much my lifestyle and my personality has changed. Ha, like, for example, if you think I'm shy now, you should have seen me in my Elementary classes. I'm pretty sure half of the class didn't even know what my voice sounded like. Pretty sad, yeah? Heh, I also think I had MUCH higher morals back then, but I guess I can blame that on the 'losing of the childhood innocence' stuff.
Anyway, today was great, even with school and things like that. I'm definatly glad that I have friends now-a-days, I guess that has changed a lot too. :) So... THANKS EVERYONE! YOU MADE MY DAY GREAT!!!! YAY!