
Nov 24, 2005 21:13

My dad is an ass.
But my sister rocks SO much, she makes up for my family.

Me: Well...good job. I'm proud of you.
Hannah: No, not you, you don't count. 'Cause you're a bitch.
a, b, c, d, e, f, g... *begins to immediately sing the alphabet*
Me: *laughing my ass off*

SO we're going to Noho tomorrow, me and Hannah.
And the Mall. Shopping

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touchingherface December 27 2005, 22:33:55 UTC
i LOVE your sister.


hello there!


kit_skylark December 28 2005, 01:51:57 UTC
haha, meeee too.

ps. well hi there.


touchingherface December 28 2005, 01:54:16 UTC
p.s. i've done gone and friended you.
oh boy.
when do you silly people get home from north carolina?

p.p.s. tell hannah i say yo.
and that i've made her a present.

and p.p.p.s. you're so pretty ^^


kit_skylark December 28 2005, 02:01:11 UTC
And I've friended yew as well! :D
We get back this Saturday. Yup yup.

And yes, I'll definitely tell her.

And awwwwu, you're too sweet!! ♥ Thank youu!!


touchingherface December 28 2005, 02:08:08 UTC
i so had something to say.
oh well.

i'm out.


touchingherface December 28 2005, 02:08:32 UTC
oh oh oh
and have that girl call me when she gets home.

we must chill.


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