The White House will turn SLUM at this rate.

Jan 21, 2009 18:25

Obama's first day as president, he decided to work. Some of the things he's done are pretty good. However, there is ONE THING he did that REALLY surprises me. It rubs me the wrong way, honestly.

He froze the PAY of the White House Staff. Anyone making 100,000 or more is now without a paycheck coming up. These people have bills, mortgages and send their kids to nice schools (because public schools in DC aren't exactly all that great) so that just goes to show he doesn't have any empathy for hard working people.

Okay, I can see putting a slight CAP on the staff salary but there is NO REASON TO FREEZE IT! And why WOULD he freeze it? So he can go through the numbers and lower their salaries. Those people work for a living and are held to a VERY high standard. Lowering their standards means that they'll care less as employees. How do I know? Because that's how people work! You pay them less then expect MORE, knowing that security standards will be raised, since this is a high-risk presidency...

Before long, the White House will appear as it did in the movie, "Idiocracy" and nobody wants that. So, if salaries are capped, let's hope they're not brought down to a sad, disrespectful level - but if you're already freezing their pay, do you think they're going to only take off a thousand here or five thousand there? Probably not.

These people are paid well because they're trusted, they're in danger where they work (and have to punch in under the scope of some high power rifle at every gate, checkpoint and the time clock).

Doesn't that mean, as president, you would want to ensure that none of them have a reason to turn against you, spy on you or put your family in peril? DUH.

If anything, leave their salaries alone so as not to change their expectation of how to act or how to treat a president and his family. What a FOOLISH thing to do. :(

Let's say some wacko and his group of buddies charge the gates. The snipers pick off four or five, the guards take out three or four using an assault rifle and a sub-machine gun (like the FN-P90), when the group disburses, but at least a handful still make it to the door. Who is the next line of defense in that instant? Uh, let's see... the people who are bringing you coffee, change your sheets and vacuum the floor... that's who. WHY would you pay your staff LESS money?

Second of all, not everyone of those people are making over 100k a year. I understand that we're also talking about people who run computers in the West Wing. I understand that some of these people include cuff-link wearing tie-sporting types, as opposed to the overall-wearing gardener. But those people are trusted to stay quiet if they see or hear something that may pertain to national security. So if you're going to pay them less, who is to say they won't accept a bribe for a mere fifty thousand in cash, up front, for casually mentioning the next place that the President will be, or telling the wrong person which of the Marine-One choppers is the REAL one, in the trio ...I mean, seriously. What is he thinking? "This is my staff, they're MY house Negros and I'm going to flex my new muscle by messing with their pay, their taxes, whatever automatic enrolling bills and budgeting they've set up. Why? Because I can!"

I empathize for those people. I know they're well off, but they're held to the HIGHEST possible standard by THEIR superiors. How can you continue to expect such high standards from the people who are trusted enough to work at the White House, if you LOWER the standards of their living, and their cost of living. That's just shoddy. It's cruddy. It's really shameful and, in the end, can prove dangerous because these people are there to protect and serve the President of the United States of America.

Sad. Really sad. The new boss is in, and everyone takes a pay cut. Sorry guys, I hope you'll continue to work just as hard, if not harder for this new president, now that you're making LESS money. I somehow doubt I would grin and bear it, were I in their place. Having "White House Staff Member" on my resume would get me a great paying job ANYwhere. I'd probably leave and find something better. After all, Monica is making WAY more than she did at the White House. I bet any one of those people could leave and do better, especially now that pay cuts and freezes are happening. Sad, sad, sad.
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