Apr 06, 2010 00:11
I start talking on YouTube about the iPad... as the conversation builds over the last few days... it attracts a few weirdos... I can handle that... until one guy makes an ass out of himself... The amusing part is in blue font, further down. Heh.
KitWriter: JON, great video... That keyboard you ordered will not show up until later April. D: These people calling iPad a "big iPod Touch" are sadly mistaken. It's a device to test Apple's new SoC, the A4 ARMcpu. With the acquisition of PA SEMI, Apple will develop this A4 CortexA8 ARM cpu to be their next PPC (guarded hardware). By the time we have multi-core A4, expect to see it in the Mac. NO iPad CANT run osX10.6, that OS only runs on Intel architecture. Not on the A4 ARMcpu. I ordered MY iPad. It's going to RULE. :D
SkateNorthCarolina @KitWriter Nerd much?
KitWriter @SkateNorthCarolina Nah, I'm a metal drummer and aspiring fiction novelist. I just like to look shit up before I open my mouth so I don't sound like I'm talking out my ass. Then I'm surprised when people go, "Wah, wah, wah, my pussy hurts! I just bought an iPod Touch in January and a week later, Apple unveils what I REALLY wanted so I'm going to slam it to make myself feel better! YAY!" Because... they're morons. I guess I'm a little nerdy. But chicks love nerds; we make all the cash! :D
SkateNorthCarolina @KitWriter Ah. lol im a drummer to
KitWriter @SkateNorthCarolina By day I was a simple assistant manager of the IT department at a Johns Hopkins University campus... but by night, I've always been a huge ham playing hard rock around town. I really need to put up new YouTube videos; I'm just really lazy. :D
Voltron947 No.....the ipad is just a gimmick to get your money. The iPod does the same things, hell I'm using my iPod now!
Treadzeze can u watch youtube on it
crzyboi1129 ipad= itouch on drugs with like 1 or 2 more features
juansky28 I going to get one, you good thanks
knightsolder um ipad is just a HUGE ipod touch... so why get that when u can get an itouch? the only reason i think the ipad is good is for the apps and movies... thats about it
ACsoldierDC No I did not but will get one when the 4th gen. comes.
Win98Error No thanks,i'll keep my ipod touch,it's smaller and i have good eye vision.!
jeremoviesinc I'm getting it for my bday on May 10th......YAY
HeathrowSpottingHD im :S on the pre-ordering thing it says they are shipping on the 12th now not the 3d?
handymandan100 No sir... I did not. I love my ipod touch... i see no need for something less portable, with less memory, and with more inducement to waste time on useless technology. I wonder if I would use it if it was free to me, let alone spend good cash on one that could buy me a used MacBook off Craig's list for the same price... the biggest problem that I see is that it is not a hub of any sort... you have to plug it in to one to use it! I'm not Dazzled this time. 27" iMac, yes. This, no...
KitWriter @handymandan100 It has exactly double the memory, unless you're talking about storage... then hey... they have a 64gb version available, Holmes. You can also use the iPad to smack your GF if she gets out of line. She won't want to steal it from you anyhow, because it doesn't play FarmVille. Believe it or not, the thing DOES have use, just not to EVERYONE. Just imagine a nurse in ER with oracle databasing, and glue a metal clip to the back. BAM. Clipboard with patient info! Priceless!
handymandan100 @KitWriter ... eep! wuuhhhht? ka-bbooom
KitWriter @Handymandan100, ack, did your brain go 'splodies? You ever been in the ER? Y'know that little laptop-on-a-wheel-cart that gets pushed around the the hallway? Just imagine using an iPad for that. But because it has a metal back, you can glue on a clip and turn the backside into a clipboard, lol. Now it has dual-functionality. ;)
handymandan100 @KitWriter ...so, as they said in Spinal Tap... "Um, no... it's they're not losing popularity; their appeal has become more... selective..."
That's cool if they can find a use for it... i don't imagine the genius bar recommending that you tap holes into the stainless steel shell for to attach a klip 2 it... glue? mebbee... kinda like the eMac, s'posed 2 be for institutional use... got one of those years after their heyday, (Cheap, too), and I quite like it... to each their own!
KitWriter @handymandan100 Oh boy... I was kidding, dude. Seriously, I was just being facetious. No one is going to use the backside of the iPad as a clipboard; that was just a joke. But you get kudos for busting out Spinal Tap quotes. Because... the iPad goes to ELEVEN. Some people ask, why not make an iPod Touch that has a louder version of 'ten'... but... but iPad goes to *eleven*.
handymandan100 @KitWriter... aaaite! gotcha... kudos for spelling facetious correctly! I tink eye wooda spelt it fanetikallee.. fu=see-shuss... it's kind of like how peeple spell Bourgeois as boosh-wahh... ya gotta be pretty booshwah to know how ta spell it (oops, what does that say about me? eep!)
KitWriter @handymandan100 LOL what does "acting middle class" have to do with being able to spell a eurotrash word? xD Although, to be honest, it describes me fairly well. I'm middle class. But yeah, when I get my ducks in a row and get myself published, I'll still be the paradigm of bourgeois. Actually, flaunting large vocabulary typically pisses off most people. So I've learned to resign large lexicon for poetry and for characters that I wish to be frowned upon by the readers. :D TWO DAYS TILL iPAD!!
handymandan100 @KitWriter ... pair-o'-dim bulbs, that's what we are... typin' away as spring is sprung, bunch of half-wheats, lolz
KitWriter @handymandan100 Hey, I let my mensa membership fee lapse because most all of'em are a pair-o'-dim bulbs, as you so eloquently word it. Common sense is lost on most of'em. Myself included. But at least I'll be playing with my iPad backstage at my band's next show on Saturday Night. :D Hooray! And that venue has free wifi, too! How sweet is that?!
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KitWriter JON, how ya liking your new iToy, bud? :D
georgebukkosi1 it sux! don't buy! it's just a bigger iPod -> my opinion...
Cheerleadergirl541 I just got mine today, i didn't preorder just went to Bestbuy and got one. But i wonder why they say they didnt have a case for it
sammi787973 @Cheerleadergirl541 do u like it?
Johnnyboybravo no that's chemical brothers not your mix!
sitadriver i always disliked lap netbooks i love i pad but it shuld have Multitasking and usb....
i will wait for Hp Late and Microshit Currier .
profesorborat listen i think you stupid one of those people who things i have to have this new ipad, having money but no brain
KitWriter @profesorborat Dude, I held out on the iPhone and iPod Touch. Instead of those devices, I've chosen to get this one instead because it has more practical application for MY needs. You DO have a brain for not spending your money on this device since you apparently have no need for it... however, you're not being openminded to others who wish to purchase it. Being closed minded can sometimes be as bad as being stupid or foolish. It leads to being judgmental. Also, I <3 tits and iPads. xD
profesorborat @KitWriter go ahed buy it you will be looking like a nerd kid carring this thing around
KitWriter @profesorborat I got it Saturday at ten in the morning and I'm replying from it now. Dude, I carried my laptop to work every day. I worked at a medical university in Baltimore and used it for work. Let me tell ya... It's way better than carrying around the laptop... So no, I won't look like a 'nerd kid' lol. Besides, I AM a nerd, that's why I was the assistant manager of IT at Johns Hopkins. We nerds make bank and eventually take YOUR girlfriends ...because we have money and typically hold a stable job, haha. Don't be so judgmental.
profesorborat @KitWriter listen the company and businesess i owe you wount see in your life and we hire nerds like you to make money for us. people come from overseas having no money and find they way but people like you who born here cant do it and work being assistants to them buying this new things they like and they proud thats ok man you cool i dont mean anything bad it just my soughts enjoy your ipad.
KitWriter @profesorborat, the iPad has a built-in spelling correction interface, bro. Maybe if you typed on one, i could understand half of what ya just said. You've probably never heard of Johns Hopkins, the largest and most cutting edge medical university and hospital in the world but if you can pay more than JHU, send me an application and I'll send you my resume. Then I'll letcha check out my iPad so you can make a more educated judgment! ;)
profesorborat @KitWriter listen smart boy this is my 4th laguage i bet you dont speak more than 1 try to learn one in 1 year we will see how you would do it. 3 of them is not in latin alfabets and 1 more thing i dont hire people with ipads and if i do i will let you know now every possition is full sorry.
(((((((Okay so now... I decide to look at this guy's profile... and I throw it back in his face)))))))))))
KitWriter @profesorborat Let me get this straight... You're a 23 year old from Russia whose profile photograph is of Osama bin Laden, posts several videos of Muslim events, speaks four languages and owns a multi-billion dollar company, whose positions are all full, and you hire people based NOT on their ability to make you money but their lack of iPad ownership... But you keep coming back to a video about an iPad, taking time away from your huge magnate to talk to ME? wow... I'm SO honored, pal.
I know I'm a dork for saying that stuff... but... at the end, there, I really feel like I PWN3D that kid in his skull. :D NOW I'm amused; I was just joking around with him before... but now I'm absolutely amused and wanted to take that moment to show him how foolish he looked.