[Weekend Preview]

Oct 09, 2008 01:42

I am not sure I have three more nights of singing left in me this week. After last night's nearly five hour marathon rehearsal and tonight's scratch vocals for the new disco demo, I am totally fragged. I couldn't even talk when I went to work this morning, and now I'm not sleeping, but instead I'm organizing musicky things online. *yawn* A musician's work is never done. (And to be honest, it's often not even started. :) One more rehearsal this week, Friday's gig, Saturday more music details, then Sunday another gig. I'll survive it somehow.

Studio tonight was jammin'. The rhythm section sounded great, had good sounds, and everybody was right on it all the time, as well as being very low-key and low-drama studio performers. It was nicely done, and incredibly quick, too. Total surprise, there (the quick part, not the nicely done bit). We got going with the first tune around 6:30 and we were done with basic tracking by 8:30. We also did our complicated medley/mashup of Jackson 5 stuff in one take. (!!) I'm really looking forward to hearing the next stages of the project. The engineer was all, "You guys sound great" and Zac pointed out that since this band was in the studio last time ~3 years ago, we'd been practicing every week. *laugh*

So, on with the weekend plans:

Friday, October 10 - 9:30 PM
The C Note
(formerly The Sea Note)
159 Nantasket Avenue
Nantasket Beach
Hull, Massachusetts 02045
with Booty Vortex

And for those who have been waiting forever for me to announce another blues gig, this is finally it. The second ever gig booked under my own name, here it is, everybody:

Sunday, October 12 - 6:00 PM
Glenn's Restaurant & Cool Bar
44 Merrimac Street
(between Green and Winter streets)
Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950

Hopefully these vocals won't be "scratch". :)

recording, schedule

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