I've missed this season of Merlin so far, busy with other things so I've taken the chance to play catch up by watching the other two seasons again before I download the three new episodes.
Things I have relearned today:
Katie McGrath's cleavage is a powerful weapon.
I love Arthur Pendragon. No really.
Uthur is a cock.
Not that I really forgot any of this, it just sort of slipped to the back of my mind while I was watching other things.
Things I hadn't really noticed before:
Most of Arthur's deep woods signals look extremely obscene. I'm not sure that he quite gets what 'circle round behind me' actually means.
Morgana actually wears more clothes to bed then she does to dinner.
Merlin runs like a girl.
None of these are particularly stunning revelations, they just amuse me.
Did I mention I'm falling in love with Arthur all over again?
new layout.