The world underneath

May 08, 2010 21:33

Thursday was an excellent day -- a situation that could have been disastrous wound up being pretty okay, then Sue, J, The Boyfriend and myself all headed to the aquarium to hang out with the fishes.

This guy was just bobbing in the water, totally vertical, looking zenned out. I wanted nothing more at that moment than to jump in with him and do the same.

The other seal was lounging just like our cats do.

My favorite! The magnificent puffer fish. He swam right up to us in the outdoor aquarium and started posing for my camera. One of the volunteers said he was begging for food. "Food or fingers," she said. "He does it all the time."

These were the baby giant clams. They were huge!

The squid was so adorable, but impossible to catch clearly.

This one looks like chocolate vanilla swirl ice cream.

Sue's shot. Way cool urchins.

Get ready for the jellysplosion...

I couldn't stay away from those moon jellies. They were magical and hypnotic. Sue and I agreed that when we're stinky filthy rich and have already saved half of the world's forests and eliminated starvation, we're getting one of those jelly tanks for our house.

I loved this candy colored shrimp. Still more impressive, when you look closely, was his neighbor...

This one has amazing patterns on its back, so delicate and intricate, like Mayan art. It's amazing how some of the smallest creatures in the world can have some of the most beautiful, detailed patterns.

The eels seemed to be griping at each other.

This fish was really fast, but its colors were so beautiful that, even blurry, I like this shot.

Looks like Fraggle Rock.

These guys looked like marshmallows. Jelly peeps!

After seeing some very pretty stingrays, we headed out of the aquarium.

But not before getting another greeting from my pal.

On the way to lunch, we saw this strangely titled building, which I actually want to go to...

And we went through Chinatown.

I suddenly had the urge to get a beetle collection, and I found this amazing one on ebay. I love them so much! They're amazing.

Little Bellini having his lunch. He's getting bigger.

I cleaned his tank today.

Cleaned my fish tank too. Pepper and Pickle look so happy with their Spongebob pineapple house in there! It really brightens up the place.

photography, fish

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