The secret life of paper umbrellas

Aug 25, 2008 02:07

I was tagged by the delectable Liz J. to list nine things about myself and tag nine folks to to the same, and since I can't let my Lizzy down, and since I love to talk about myself, I shall.

1. Today I bought two pairs of sunglasses for five buck apiece (which is more than I've paid for sunglasses in, like, ten years). One of them is yellow, a therapeutic trick I recommend to anyone to make your day better, and one rose-colored. They look great on me.

2. I have to be out of my apartment in a week and I'm no closer to finding a home, or a job. I'm not even packed.

3. I'm currently listening to a rich, chocolately, delicious CD by French artist Tete called Le Sacre des Lemmings, sent to me by my new music guru who lives in France. Thanks for the parcel, my dear! I'm looking forward to listening to all of them and then sharing them with Lily.

4. I am sunburned and I love it.

5. I am desperately looking forward to picking out laundry baskets and silverware sets and setting up bathroom stuff and kitchen stuff and office stuff and living room stuff. I need to do this so badly that I'll start vibrating if I think about it too long. A part of me is afraid that The Boyfriend and I will clash horrifically on issues of decorating, but we've promised each other not to let it tear us apart.

6. I'm becoming a coffee drinker and this petrifies me. Of course, I can only drink sissy coffee, with chocolate and caramel and lots of milk, but still. One day I was cranky until I got some coffee. This creeps me out.

7. Yesterday I saw the most adorable tiny little wiener dog puppy. She looked at me with her little beady eyes as if begging me to take her home. If they didn't want a thousand bucks for her, I might have.

8. I am probably doing more painting and drawing than job searching, apartment hunting and packing. Hey, I could have worse destructive behaviors.

9. I still want to go to New Zealand. Secretly, I still think it might actually be perfect.

All right, enough about me! I pick you: Whitney, Jen, Raj, Nathan, Ashley, British, Kristin, Dad, Andrew.

self-absorbed blahblah, meme

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