I was asked this weekend why I bother with blogging. What the point of it was. I responded that I think it's good exercise for the writing muscles and quite frankly I like the attention. I think any writer wants readers. Furthermore, why do I even need a point?
*I went to the NPArrRr cast party Saturday night at
richdelish and
hitchhiker42's place. It wasn't a Wild & Crazy party but it was Good Fun with Good Conversation. I brought my iPod to provide outdoor music. I checked its inventory before I left to make sure I had a healthy mix of Fun music, but the Shuffle Mode still managed to play mostly Emo stuff. Oh well...
*I watched the debate the other night. I should turn the TV off after it's over because the media commentary is all drivel. Most of them seemed to agree that McCain won, partly because Obama said that McCain "was right" often. Um, so? They forget that these debates often turn on the intangible impression a candidate makes opposed to the substance of what is said. (See Gore sighing in 2000) I think all Obama had to do was come off as looking presidential, and being gracious to his opponent doesn't hurt.
*Obligatory Cryptic Omphaloskeptic Comment: I'm redefining my parameters.
*Sarah Palin is making Dan Quayle look brilliant.
*You can always tell when people are walking for exercise (as opposed to just being in a hurry). They move their arms in a funky way. Does swaying your elbows higher burn more calories?
*The 3 in 30 shows are going to be amazing this week. Go see them!