Here we are on the other end of another weekend. I had a good one. How about you? Have you finished your Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanza/Ramadan shopping yet? No? Get on that…after you read these Mind Bullets…
*Let me throw some kudos (I’m using that word again for some reason) to everyone who was involved in Xmas 24 II: The Empire Strikes Back. It was freakin’ hi-larious from beginning to end. Especially the end. It will take me awhile to disassociate Hanukah from hamsters… I'm incredibly impressed by the creative storm put together in such a short time.
*What’s the sexiest thing a woman can wear? Answer in the last Bullet…
Sex once a week keeps the doctor away? Revise that…at least once a week…
*Obligatory Cryptic LiveJournal Omphaloskepsis Comment®: I feel liberated.
*I like Alicia Keys. I feel no shame.
*It’s true. I don’t project well. It’s why I write instead of act. Well, one of the reasons…
*I didn’t get the Centro for financial reasons. As in, they wanted to charge me more than I wanted to pay. So I’ll wait a bit. I’m sure the price will go down.
*Have you started making reservations…I mean, resolutions for the New Year yet? I’m not a hard and fast resolutions person myself. I am forming some goals for the new year, however. Less clutter and more rock, for one.
*I’ve decided to keep the face, er, I mean decided to keep shaving it. I’m getting used to it and it seems to be getting a positive reaction generally.
*Random Song Lyric: “The only time you're listening, when we run from all the things we could say.” Taught to Look Away, matt pond PA
*I want to go bowling. I need another excuse to wear my Irish Drinking Team shirt.
*I’ve been watching Season 9 of Seinfeld on DVD a lot lately and I’ve learned a couple of things. First, the reverse episode was a homage to Pinter and Betrayal, which makes total sense now that I look at it. Second, Festivus was a real holiday! It was created by the parents of the writer of that episode.
*We should have a Festivus party.
*A Steelers jersey, of course.