Friday Night Meme!

Sep 21, 2007 21:28

A long survey meme done previously by a couple of people that I’m working on as I try to write…

1. If someone doesn't like you, it's usually because:
They know I’m the anti-christ.

2. Last Saturday night you:
Watched my girlfriend play Barbie having an existential crisis on a big movie screen with an audience.  Oh, the Barbie was having sex in there somewhere too.

3. What are you excited about?
Writing and change

4. Kissed someone in the last 24 hrs?
No :-(

5. Favorite scent?

6. What's your ideal weekend like:
Quiet and relaxing, with a good book and coffee and preferably her company

7. What do you look for most in a boyfriend/girlfriend:

8. What kind of music do you like best:
Something that makes me either thoughtful or feeling good

9. What color are you most likely to decorate your room in:
Day-glo colors (kidding)

10. If something amazing happens to you, how many people know:
My close friends

11. Every year, how do you like to spend the holidays:
The last few years, at my favorite watering hole.  This year looks to be different.

12. What do you look forward to most each year?
That first nice day of spring.

13. In your opinion, it's just not the holidays without:
Pretty lights and cheesy music

15. If your friends or family are going through a crisis, what would you do?
Listen and do what they asked if I could

16. Can you keep a secret:
What secret? ;-)

17. How many phone conversations do you have a day?
Two or three, but usually with the same person.  Wait, does work count?  Shit…I guess about half a dozen then.

18. What's your best feature?
My hair, probably

19. Your favorite romantic movie is?
Annie Hall

20. Your dream house is:
Something nice in the city

21. How would your friends describe you?
That I'm an amazing guy who walks on water and decorates in day-glo colors and...then I wake up

22. How do you feel about Valentine's day?
I’ve been pretty non-committal about it.  There shouldn’t be an “obligation” to show how you feel, but it’s a good excuse to do so anyway.

23. What body of water are you most drawn to:
I still miss Lake Michigan

25. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
Haha…I honestly don’t remember…wait, never

27. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
Working on a play re-write

28. Are you mad at anyone right now?
I don’t think so

29. The last person to say they loved you

30. What was the last present you received?
The laptop I’m writing this on

31. Are you happy with your living arrangements?
They could be better

32. Last thing received in the mail?

33. Do you have any famous relatives?
Family legend has it we’re descended from Robert Morris but I don’t buy it

34. Have you ever had sex in a public place?

35. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Not that I know of

36. How is your hair?
Way into Shaun Cassidy territory

37. How many different drinks have you had today?
Coffee, a pumpkin spice latte and water

38. What have you eaten today?
Wow…an omelet.  I think that’s it.  Oh, and a couple of donuts.

39. Are you any good at math?
Good enough to get by

40. What did you do Friday night?
A lot of driving

41. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
I don’t think I ever have

42. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
Once, just to see if I could

43. Do you like the ocean?
I haven’t been to the ocean since I was a kid

45. What goes best with soft drink?
Probably pizza

46. What did you do two nights ago?
Watched my daughter play volleyball and then came home and played a little on the computer

47. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?
No.  All my grandparents are dead now too, which is kind of weird to realize.

48. Where do you keep your money?
Now why would I tell you that?

49. When is your next party?
The party follows me wherever I go…hahaha, I crack myself up.

50. Would you rather sleep with someone, or alone?
Depends who it is.

51. What was the weather like on your birthday?
Nice and sunny.


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