Can you work back to the original?

Feb 21, 2005 23:03

My newest poem for Intermediate Poetry-Writing is called " Surrealist Games," and I intended to let it have three parts: 1) Time Traveler’s Potlatch (giving slightly random, but somehow kind of appropriate, gifts to historical figures), 2) Dadaist Poem (cutting up article, then drawing article's words from a hat), and 3) N+7 (replacing all nouns with word 7 entries further in dictionary). My twist was that the second and third parts would be based not on a new article, but on the previous part of the poem.

I wrote a pretty good Time Traveler's Potlatch, then Dada-ized it and lay it on the page fine, but N+7-ing the Dada Poem took all sense that was left away. So, on the advice of a friend, I'm turning in the first two parts only. Not one to waste three hours of work (spent slaving over a dictionary), I'm journaling the unhinged third portion. Prepare yourself.

III. N + 7

Gracious porcupine anteater
xanthic five-second
Osage Acadian Owl attached
matronize back

finish banana republic
iambic time out of mind

come-outer book club,
carroty and printed,
attempted pour
relieving six-pack

Grosbeak talking chief action
come-outer tripe, placemats only

during yellow, awe-inspiring wonder
Ed Koch, the timorous Moliones
Why court?
mark. tweak.

Improvisational Hungarian
with Steller’s sea lion trail is her.

Birmingham Bamboozled and Back, plus,
a staggering bob, post-kvetch
moving sidewalk blue first,
got my bacteria face mask.

2005: mug’s game all around.
Supply RPGs hopefully neural.

with the lifter Georges Seurat
his. of damned assailant,
then sixty-four-dollar question
plus three-card monte.

How young, male Cal too
delay a deck chair

hep toothbrush sings
a red-bellied turtle of
of lifework
passes on timorous Athea

with toe clip tee, in know gig
caged of assailants eat dwarf

and long His, if his,
the nice vista, iambic
up to yearn it full
Final Solution

(Note: The answer to the lj-cut question will vary. One option is "grass")

tristan tzara, writing

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