Below is the image of the day on Wikipedia for Sept. 10, 2007. It's "an animated simulation of a phenakistoscope disc. The phenakistoscope is one of the first devices to create moving images and a precursor of the zoopraxiscope and, in turn, cinematography. Conceived as a simple disc to be held vertically in front of a mirror and spun around its axis, the subjects appear to be in motion when viewed through the slits of the disc."
Maybe it's just me, but I'm sitting here watching it and humming "Last Dance With Mary Jane."
by Kit FitzSimons
"Dance with me in pictures," he said
And grabbed for her hand in stages.
"In captured instants, frozen poses,
We'll stock-still across the floor."
She was petrified by his fixation,
By the seeds of flux he'd planted.
Wound tight, she waxed ecstatic...
But desire alone couldn't move her.
"Who cares what voyeurs spy," he laughed
As she paled and stiffened at his touch.
"We'll articulate each point for them
And let their minds fill in the rest!"
He kept one hand around her waist
To cut down on the cost of animation.
She stop-motioned him to continue,
And they spun through a hall of mirrors.