Because I've gotten hooked on this concept, I present another One Of These Things puzzle. Yesterday's puzzle was tricky because there was no one answer; every three of the four had something in common that the fourth did not. Today's offering is no different. There are four answers to it: four connections that leave out one of the items.
For future reference, the connection will never be "These are all found on earth, but that one isn't" or "All but that one are smaller than a breadbox."
Likewise, no connection will ever be "These three have been odd ones out in this puzzle, and the fourth one hasn't." Because really, that's like saying, "This statement is false."
Likewise, Brandon, you're probably thinking too hard.
Anyway, here's today's puzzle.
By the way, I admit that one of these connections is a bit tenuous. It's valid, but it's the kind of stretch that requires a mind that considers overarching facts, not necessarily characteristics. For the other three though, good to go.
PS: Today's puzzle, as
xenosauridae pointed out to me, has a fifth kind of vague connection that encompasses all four pictures. So, I guess see if that occurs to you as well. It's fairly vague and a bit forced, so do with it what you will.