Hmmmm. Well today was interesting.
I met a friend and we went out to eat. We then watched this kick ass movie at his house called
Rise Blood Hunter. It stars Lucy Liu and she gets topless in it. I love awesome vampire flicks with hot girls getting topless. mmmmmm
Then we went to go see Rocky Horror at University Mall. It's been a long, long time since I've seen that movie in a theatre. Since the Springfield mall days when I was like 16. I really missed it. I had a great time. Plus there was a lot of boobies from the female staff. Hot!!
It was fun. I am enjoying this single life. I miss having someone to love me and to make me feel safe, but I really do need to just be single and enjoy life.
And when it comes to having someone who loves me, I can always call Jackie or Steve or Kris and I can feel loved. I don't need a bf in my life to help me validate myself or to make me feel better.