Aug 27, 2004 09:02
went to registration yesterdayyy! then i saw a movie with the hott twins and sam! during the previews, sam turns me with this totally serious look on her face and shes like "jamie, dwight is right behind us." and of course im like "uh are you fucking kidding me?!" and shes like "no. i don't feel comfortable with him there." gahhh you think i did? so i had to get up and help ali cause shes dumb, and when i was walking out, sure enough, 2 rows back, there he was. the devil himself. then i meet ali outside and weeeee there was brett and michael pappas!! so we tried to convince them to sit with uc but no they wanted to thorw shit at us from the back of the theater. dumbasses. then i went to volleyball and it was okey dokey xcept dan got pissed cuase we were alone on our side eating bagels and he thought we were being cliquey. well dan, you don't see any of THEM making an effort to come and talk to US. but whattteverr and then i couldnt do anything at night and it made me quite angry. then i was online for a long time and me and patrick had a really fun time when we were arguing over who loves who more and then he was talking on the teamspeak and i couldnt stop like grinning and laughing haha oh it was so fun :). then i talked on the phone with andrew for like 40 minutes!! weee i had a pretty good day! so anyways, heres my schedule.
1- world history- gilbert- with scott!
2- span III- sanchez- with andrew and anna!
3- volleyball pe- lyman- with the hott twins, melissa, and everyone! lol.
4- honors eng 10- anderson- with kara!!
5- pre calc honors- wahlstrom
6- chem- morton
the saddest thing is, me and sam have the same teachers for english and chem. and i have eng 4th and chem 6th and she had chem 4th and eng 6th. soooooooooo saddd and its gonna suck without her in my class :(.