Info Post

Jul 04, 2008 00:18

Ok, I'm done spamming everyone's f-list. All old parodies and fanfiction have been uploaded and moved from my personal journal, so everything posted from now on is new. I've just uploaded a new parody which I shall post shortly.

Here's some useful links so that you don't have to browse through the mishmash of fandoms for what you're looking for.

Intro Post: Tells you about what you can expect to find on this journal and gives you links to youtube channels and my tags page. Questions, requests, comments, suggestions, they all go there. If you leave me a question that is off topic on another post I might answer or I might be a bitch and tell you to ask it on the intro post. I'm functioning on too little sleep and not enough caffeine.

Parody Masterpost: An archive of all my parodies sorted into Jpop or Kpop, subdivided by artist, and listed in alphabetical order. I'm anal about organization, sue me.

Fanfic Masterpost: An archive of all my fanfiction, including the 100 Fic Challenge, divided by fandom and listed in the order written.

100 Fic Challenge Masterpost An archive of my 100 Fic Challenge fics because miracle______ said I had to.

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