Jul 18, 2010 13:44
I haven't been on here in, like, forever.
I guess because I felt like I didn't really have anything to say.
But I did! o.o
To update everyone on my laif:
-Living with mother again
-Said mother has a fiance
-Said fiance lives in Canada and mother is going to be moving up there
-Trying to get into Northumbria or NewCastle University in New Castle Upon Tyne, England.
-Going to NCTC to just get some classes done instead of paying a million dollars at a school I'm not going to
-Has a Ball joint doll!
-Had to give away my little bunnies. I loved them so. I still miss them.
-Made a new plurk name
-Is looking mighty sexy
-Did your mom last night
-Watched the Nodame movie and dkjghlknhrst;houdfh omg!
And that's about all! I'll try to keep this up more? Try being key word. I got really lazy at blogging for the past...ever. So yah!
blah blah blah,
didn't die,