Oct 22, 2007 01:40
hahahahahaha, LOL at me.
So apparently my brother moved out? We told him he had 30 days to find somewhere else to go. I came home and $40 was missing from my wallet. Go me for falling asleep and accidentally leaving it in the living room. So I waited for him to get home to tell him that he just cut his time down to a week. Another day goes by and he doesn't come home. So I said fuck this, and locked the door.
I just realized tonight that pretty much all his stuff is missing. Along with Some of George's clothing too. I'm going to hunt this fucker down until I get my shit back. After that, Good luck with your heroin man. I don't care anymore. He's taken some of the most important things in my life away from me. Playing the violin was my LIFE before I got to FH. He stole my 900 dollar violin. I don't know. I love my brother, and he's fucking amazing, but the shit he's on makes him a completely different person. It's really sad that he would steal and use and lie to all his family members. I would say, I know its not HIM stealing...it's his addiction..but I dunno. We've all tried to help him, and he WONT get better. Only thing we can do now, as much as it hurts, is let him hit rock bottom. Stop helping him have a place to live. Maybe then he'll see how bad he really has gotten and want to change.
It's a sad thing to happen, cause he used to be really fucking cool. But there's nothing anyone can do at this point.
I had a lot more to say about other things, but I'm going to go to bed instead.
Good night.