Dec 04, 2006 21:06
it's been awhile, huh?
well, as per usual i've been sick.
also, jaime is home and safe, and that naturally absorbs lots of my time.
he is wonderful as ever.
also i think i havent written because i finally got a REAL journal, like the pen and paper kind, not the "whine on the internet" kind that i became so accustomed to.
i am leaving for detroit tomorrow to give a talk to the drug company about being sick all the time. silly, but it's good money. and what's even better is this could lead to more opportunities to make money.
also i'm finally recording again at my friend john's studio, on friday. i'm really excited.
i'm vaguely looking for christmas presents, but i decided not to think too hard about that this year.
i havent been working much.
my mom is giving me (and thus the legion) guitar hero II for x-mas... HOLY SHIT.
the gas is off here. thermo reads 41degrees. boo.
i got an endoscopy today, they found some irritations in my tummy and biopsied it, i should have the results rather soon. unlikely that it's any abnormal cell growth i.e. cancer, more likely that it's heliobacter pylori back for another visit... or perhaps it never left. guests that over-stay their welcome. still, i find myself worrying about the worst. i know it's unlikely, but given mine and my family's history.. i just worry. i'm a pussy.
looks like i'm still a little drugged from the demoral.
you know what, i'm just going to fuckign bitch, this is my journal and i can complain.
in the past 3 months i've had
heart surgery.
an attempted endoscopy.
a succesful endoscopy.
a manic episode.
2 depressed episodes.
asthma attack leading to the emergency room.
2 cases of bronchitis.
several unmentionable problems that i dont want to get into, save to say i want to be FUCKING AMPUTATED AT THE BELLYBUTTON, GET RID OF EVERYTHIGN BELOW IT.
i've been on at least 4 courses of antibiotics.
vomiting a minimum of 3 times a week, every week, sometimes vomiting blood.
i've lost 13 pounds and it's still falling.
i fainted and possibly had a seizure.
i'm dizzy a lot.
i poop blood.
this just sucks. i'm sick. i dont like it. i cant work, i am always tired.
otherwise, i'm happy.
getting ready for grad school.
taking classes.
spending time with my roommates.
and my mother.
and my brother.
and jaime.