Sep 22, 2009 00:01
Dear Patrick,
A hair-brained scheme catalyzed by too much library-time: I don't normally do flashcards, but my Vegetation of Wisconsin class begs for some kind of character profiles. I was pondering index cards and spreadsheets when it came to me in a fit of almost unbearable geekiness: Ecological Succession, the Gathering™
Plants can have special abilities like "fire-tolerance" or "regenerate." Bur oak has plainswalk. Instead of lands that imply a vegetation type, you play bodies of water and soil substrates, then play the vegetation. Late-succession species have higher casting cost. Instead of instants and interrupts, yo uget disturbances, like "drought," "lighting strike," "flood," and "selective logging." Most summons have an enormous casting cost, but you can tape them to add sapling counters, if the right pollinators (sorceries) and seasons (enchantments) are in play. You could summon herbivores and seed predators to destroy your opponent's vegetation! and predators to eat your opponent's herbivores! fungal diseases! invasive beetles!
Dude. A sorcery called "NAFTA": search through your library and select an insect to bring to your hand. Shuffle your library afterward.
I do not expect to meet any girls ever again.