May 07, 2006 18:04
i hate my mom she's such a bitch. we haven't stoped fighting this entire weekend. the fucking little slut even told me to move out of the house. and i'm seriously considering takeing her up on her offer. if only i had somewhere to go i'd fucking be gone. she's such a bitch i just can't stand it. fucking blaming everything on me. the goddamn house isn't fucking spottless so it's all my falt b/c i'm the one that fucking puts my dishes in the sink. which is a fucking lot father than my fucking slob of a damn father who just leaves everything out and does whatever the fuck he goddamn pleases. and shit no he's not fucking wrong. never. not the great fucking provider. and b/c i fucking don't want to go to goddamn church one fucking day out the whole goddamn fucking year. i'm gonna end up like my brother. b/c that's what my fucking goddamn bitch of a mother tells me. oh and b/c fucking mrs sill never told me about the goddamn fucking icecream social. I'M THE FUCKING ONE IN FALT that my fucking bitch mother doesn't knw every fucking detail about fucking nationals. b/c that fucking makes so fucking much since.
what a bitch.
i seriously can't deal with her anymore.