Snow all over the bloody shop and I am stranded.
My back is killing me, the house needs cleaning, my feet are cold, there is not enough coal on the fire and thank god there is some caffeine in the building or someone would cop for it (the dog has been cowering in a corner so he is safe).
I watched some daytime TV today and it quite possibly the biggest pile of cack I have witnessed in recent months. Why does Tricia's audience always look like the same one from a Bradford Council Estate, it is always the same issues....Drugs, teenage pregnancies, errr drugs and lie detection tests. It is hard not to smile and think it is put on sometimes, but Tricia ain't no Jerry Springer (you can tell by the highlights).
I see Richard & Judy are campaigning to get the TATU song banned which confirms my suspicions that they are being paid a portion of the UK profits from the bands' marketing people whilst at the same time cunningly tattempting (geddit?) to draw in extra viewers for their afternoon Channel 4 show that so far attracts people who hit the number by mistake on their remote, as they were going for The Weakest Link.
I will leave on this note. The Highways Agency are spluttering their way through excuses on not getting the roads gritted. I can exclusively reveal that it is the fault of the local Councils who have apportioned funds elsewhere (like holiday expenses) due to the last few mild winters we have had.
This means that the people they employ to grit roads are either:
a) Agency workers who do not do short notice
b) Exisiting employees who are ill, on holiday or whose phones don't mysteriously work (why should they when working for the council?)
c) Non existant.
What a wonderful country we live in!!!!!!
Thank god we have a great fire service......Doh!!!!!!!