cradling the softest, warmest part of you in my hand
feels like a little baby bird fallen from the nest
i think that your body is something i understand
i think that i'm happy, i think that i'm blessed
and this girl is the definition of love
Anyway...I'm coming home December 14 til January 17.
But I'm leaving for India December 16th and coming home January 1st. So yes, I will call all of you...just not until 2006.
It's going to be pretty cool, I get to celebrate New Years twice due to the 15 hour time difference. My dad is apperantly having a wicked New Years drinking party with all his boarding school friends on New Years Eve in India. APPERANTLY I'm not allowed to drink the massive amounts of alcohol that the house will be swimming in. Thats alright...I'll just sit in the corner and wait until hes intoxicate d. I wonder what the drinking age in India is anyway?
So anyway...we leave from India the morning of January 1st when its still December 31st in Nashua. Then I get to celebrate New Years again on the airplane. Confusing, aint it?
I'm not sure how I feel about spending half my break in India. I'm going to come back and have only two weeks to spend at home and see people. But it'll even itself out when summer comes and I get sick of you all! It also kinda sucks that I don't get to celebrate my favorite holiday this year. But often do yall get Christmas presents from India?
Dear MalloyHeartsCheeta: I'm going to be all supportive of your art decision and try to find you pretty paints! parties on January 5...alejandro you are going to drink your age <3
i'm cradling the hardest, heaviest part of me in my hand
the ship is pitching and heaving, my limbs are bobbing and weaving
and i think this is what i understand
i just need a couple vaccinations for my far-away vacation
i'm going to go ahead boldly because a little bird told me
that jumping is easy, that falling is fun
right up 'til you hit the sidewalk, shivering, stunned