Mar 27, 2005 18:43
Spring Break is over...and i can't stop thinking about how much i HATE school.
This was an awesome spring complaints.
The mother-daughter shopping trip went really good. We didnt kill each other and i got some cute clothes. An overall successb i'd have to say.
Everyone finally came home from their damn trips. *except whitney but shes on a plane as we speak*
Kyle and I went to Angies as his welcome home lunch. He hooked up with a 14 year old in a hot tub. Go Kyle....wayy to get ya a screen name. haha your awesome kyle michael.
Josh came home too. He took me to a movie last night. :0)
I hate school.
The only saving grace about this week is that PROM IS FRIDAY and it's going to be a BLAST....*even if your shoes look like a black "delicious" stripper right bailey? Haha!!!
I misss you aaron. I miss you a lot. i miss us. i miss my morning messages and our cute convos. i miss loving your phone calls and how i always say "awww" after your bad jokes. i use to love your bad jokes. mockerish misses you too. all these reeses are giving me a bad stomach ache and an even worse heartache. most of all...i miss the "iloveyouduh"