...less than a week till Homecoming....

Oct 02, 2004 15:07

Terry Parker-6
Good Job Boys...
The game was fun last night, the band was talkin shit so thats always fun to witness..
And one of the football buses didnt show to take them home, so guess who they rode with? Yep..the cheerleaders. Although it was the nastiest smell of all time, they were soooo much fun, and their welcome on our bus anytime. :0)

Tennessee vs. Auburn tonight...8:30...go big orange...

yeah, so i've been reading other peoples live journal and the popular topic has been about who our next president should be...well here goes...
Their both retarded for starters. If you actually listen to some of the things they say...this country would be better off if Britney Spears were our president.
And another thing...it drives me nuts when ppl write " john kerry doesn't even know what he wants..."
Uh oh really? Yeah, anyone could say that...theres like 100 commercials trying to put that in your head..and it's obviously working.
Oh yeah, and the fact that the popular vote doesnt mean shit...?...
Besides, most of us can't vote anyways...so quit bitchin about it.

I'm Victoria and i approve this message....
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