Reasons why Dailybooth is really awesome

Apr 30, 2010 20:22

Reasons why Dailybooth is awesome


Dailybooth is a new internet phenomenon that has drawn me in much like LiveJournal did way back when I joined. DB began in February 2009 and is a site where you basically take a picture of yourself everyday and see how much you've changed. It's like blogging every day but can be quicker (although not necessarily if you're feeling creative) with a big visual twist. After doing it for a year (since April 20th 2009) I can honestly say I have changed and this whole experience has been a marvellous one. There are many wonderful people on this site and I've had so much fun and would like to share this wonderful thing with everyone. So without further a-do!


Introducing our lord and master and all around nice guy. Jon. Founder of Dailybooth.He made the website but also he keeps everyone up to date and is a generally all round nice guy. He follows his people and comments and joins in and is basically a star. No one dislikes him and he rules the roost with a playful but responsible fist. Plus. He's a little bit pretty.

@Martytoes and the 24 Hour Booth

MartyToes is a very popular user who gives endlessly colourful pictures and also proposes many questions and quests that make the rest of us very jealous of her endless vibrancy. But this is something that I particularly admire her for, she incorporated not only a small obsession (DB being it) but school work into doing a 24 hour booth-athon in which she posted a picture on the hour for the entire stint. It's a new standard set for love of the site and she also asked people to explain their obsessions so she could incorporate it into her work. It was a weird day but the way everyone cheered her on and kept her going was incredibly sweet and it was a lovely if strange achievement :)

@xFAWNx and the Pokemon Post

xFAWNx is the user whose popularity is second only to Jon (the creator) and this is due to her damn likeable personality and hq pics and basic loveliness. She's come up with some excellent thread ideas but this is probably my favourite due to the fact that she's openly admitted to being a huge Pokemon fangirl and basically wishes everyone else to share the enthusiasm. Hence this epic thread in which everyone joined in transforming themselves into their favourite Pokemon :) Recognise any?

#DBFilmClub: The Goodfellas Story

#DBFilm club basically is an occurrence in which every Sunday or so everyone gets together (time different or no but mostly 9pm GMT) and watches a film together at the same time, there tends to be dressing up and basically rants and lots of quoting and on this particular occasion a rather intense drinking game. The is one of the few I've been able to participate in and I'm hoping to do so again because it's a great experience! Seriously, it's like liveblogging but with more people who are more likely to reply and more visual aids. Like a couple people (including myself) getting that little bit more drunk as the night wares on.
This Sunday is apparently Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind so yeah, definitely joining in for that one :)

Cooking with @Coop

@Coop is showing us here how to make the perfect chocolate fudge cake. And this isnt just a normal recipe, it's step by step yes but with added visual aids. Handy and interactive and damn delicious :) @Coop has also made other delectable treats for the world and the list can be found here. Also just to throw out there, she has awesome hair.


Although inactive right now there was a cult :) In which The Leader would send the members secret emails to the members describing the mission. Weird? A little but it was all with good intentions (not like most cults), there was no money grubbing just kindness grubbing, the whole scenario was in a bid to create a more close knit community, as the numbers of the site grew this became increasingly difficult and the older users were getting more interested in their lives. A sad end to a lovely idea but an idea nonetheless and a thing to get excited about because, hey, it's a cult essentially made for goodwill to everyone. I liked that a lot :)

@Jerry and the Flip Book Thread

This thread is huge, this isn't even half of what occurred (it got to 272 comments in the end :o) but the idea was created by the ever loveable photographer @Jerry who came up with the premise of making the first Dailybooth Collaborative Flip Book. And lord was it popular, inventive and downright awesome. It's amazing how far they get and a damn fantastic achievement. It's people like Jerry who keep the threads fresh interesting and also involving.

@Roberto "Sings" Fresh Prince of Bel Air

And EVERYONE joined in. And we all laughed with nostalgia and amazing. I love this thread like I love sunshine. Probably one of the more epic creations and simply done and executed and began a whole new avenue of DB Games. @Roberto is also a DB Entrepreneur of the internet and owns the Throwboy Pillows website and is bosom buddies with @Jon after making him the DB Logo into one of this special pillows (WHICH I WANT!). Cheerful and fun and always up for a laugh and collaborative game @Roberto is astoundingly popular is way up there with @xFAWNx and @Jon in number of followers.

@Jon declares the users make the Business Cards

@Jon, being the benevolent being he is, declared that the business cards would be made by the members of his beloved site. His only rule, there must be the word "Dailybooth" involved. And we in our HUNDREDS all flocked to join in harmony and create some stonkers of business cards. As far as business cards go, a lot of these kick ass. Apparently they're good conversation starters and they give the point of what is that's trying to be achieved. Basically, its supposed to look fun and different with everyone getting involved. This whole process captured that feeling exactly.


Although the generation of SecretBooth I got to know and love is now dead (it's been replaced with the newsecretbooth) it will still be remembered as a lovely idea in which people could pour out their hearts without fear of their identity being discovered. More importantly it allowed comfort from other people who were also experiencing the same sort of scenario. It was a big "You're Not Alone" exercise. Which was just lovely even if it got dreadfully depressing near the end and the content got a bit too much for some peoples dashboards, but the initial concept was a great one and I really enjoyed "helping" people or seeing someone similarly miserable (although I technically only used it as a place to rant about my upcoming exams :| but dont tell anyone).
Also a lot of the graphics that were created were astoundingly gorgeous :)

Chair Conga

Jon once again in his eternal wisdom decided St Patricks Day this year would be a good day to the worlds biggest e-chair conga line. People flocked in their hundreds once more. I mean, who doesn't love a good conga, getting to hold someones hips, feeling rather uncomfortable as someone grabs yours too and shuffling along to awful chirpy music. It's not as fun as the chicken dance but much better than the macerena.
Jon, feeling there was something missing, created the final touches and et voila. The biggest most diverse e-chair-conga line ever, and the first I think... damn good reason indeed!

Cyanide & Happiness

Are you a web comic fan? Then you're in luck, DB has also got a long running daily comic which is posted to the site originating from So yeah, they're pretty funny, I've been having a chuckle reminiscing :D

@gossipguy17 tells us the importance of Sunscreen

Gossipguy17 is (in my opinion) one of the most consistent users there is on Dailybooth and you'd be a fool not to follow him (much like anyone else mentioned, but him especially because he chats to me and it's great :D). But what's great about our man here is that he likes to write, he's a bit of an awesome blogger and tends to write songs in which he incorporates boothers he likes. He is also the inventor of Boothville which means yes, this place has fanfiction. This picture is his great achievement, relaying the wonderful lyrics of Baz Lurhmann's song "Sunscreen" and it's rather lovely, it teaches you stuff and is amusing, check it out in it's entirety ;) (trust me when I say it's much more awesome in the DB format)

The DailyBooth Clock

Guess who thought this one up? Oh right again, our lord and master Jon requested people made images of numbers 1 to 60 to create the first Dailybooth clock. And a nice clock it is. With it's own website and everything. How many websites have their own personalised clock? Thats right. Not many... - Alphabet Challenge

Boothers included in this spam (in order of appearance!):

@Jon @MartyToes @xFAWNx
@MichaelMidnight @R4CJ2 @Gecko @gossipguy17 @ReadySaltedChris @Jerry @SnapShot @Francis @samanthathesoulless
@KayTayy95 @LaurenField @nccish @thatphotoguy @Thom_gunn @Sexy_Gareth @Diceman @Peace
@Coop @emmaluce @thechico @malaray @nellielisabeth @crimsong19 @Whiteandfluffy @rob__ @Marlaina @TeenStateOfMind @SophieBeard @ahhhhhbee @anikainpink @andrewryno @Melissa @paperships @Catrific @peterd08 @JonJon @robynnealane @MissARose @Jonloge @James @SillyJaime @Dale @xlove @Celinannette @RealTears @chrisssjamesss @evanowe @lou @AverseBliss @conorlovesfaces @xamyjayne @robfitz @amanda @Jeff @Tony_the_Nerd @CassAttack @Shadow @tmh@LydiaInkEyez @shaun @nerdyislandgirl @ticia_ @Peke@DinoDiana @Zaraphena @OathovOblivion @Colleen @AnniJade @iSinclair @lazybearkhoa @Ashlee_Ann @beccaliestome @michellaSR @isharry @itsMT_ @ElectricHAVOK @TheOnlyWouter @LennieG @Eelamonkey @martinthegreat @Ratscallion @YoungAndShy @GorillaCrush3r @CloudsofConner @Coxey @Knightwing23 @Felly1329 @currymansam @ads89 @Trun0Jay @JamesFranklin @Wuhlheidi @ThreadHead @JOEY_ @JBHutchings @Jon

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