May 21, 2004 00:19
Movies with those cool white shirts, and those short shorts. No shame in my whore look. Ice cream fights. In our hair! Funny times. Getting Kidnapped going back and forth to the school, fireworks?! Hahaha. "Are you scared?" "" "Yeh" "Yeh me too." Random RANDOM boys....lets jump fences! With Flip-Flops! "I'm such a badass!" Running after they set the mail box on fire.... Sitting at his house while they all got high. Haha falling asleep on random couches. Text messages! "Do you like him??" Walking home at 3am "Are you sure the cops wont catch us?!" Haha just passing out. Sitting around the next day "Your country music's wearing off on me." Going home 4 hours late. Didnt come over much after that... Haha the best Rebal Weekend Ever. It doesnt seem like it was a year ago....