i am still alive

Feb 06, 2011 21:56

Yesterday i already said goodbye to life. I seriously thought i will die >.<"
Thou, i survived and today, for the first time in 5 days, I sat, walked, watched TV, surfed the internet and even ate!! whoa~~~ as my grandmother said: "Now that's an achiviement!!"

To simply put it: I'm sick. VERY SICK! thou, today, unexpectedly, i feel... better O_o
Seriously, i've never been so sick in my entire life! and i have a proud illness record, but this sick? never! Yesterday was so bad, that i became sad, that i couldn't say goodbye to everyone T_T
The past 5 days the lowest temperature i had was 38,8C T_T The highest was 39,9C and my parents got so scared, that they even called a doctor over. I can't sleep for more than 1 hour, i cough each 10 second, i can't breath because of the horrible running nose and yesterday, for straight 4 hours i had a major nosebleed T_T My bed suddenly became a bathtub filled with blood, i couldn't stop the bleeding whatever i did T_T and then in the night it started again! grrr~~~ i hate being this sick!!! >.<

But a miracle must had happened and today i am even able to use my laptop! Those past days laptop was the least thing on my mind (and usually i can't survive even a day without it). Oh, i'm just happy that today i feel a bit better! I was actually supposed to go back to Stockholm today, but i really wouldn't survive the boat trip! So I'm staying at home for one more week to recover and finally to feel alive~

Sorry for not checking your ljs and not commenting, my dear friends! I will do that in the process, i seriously don't feel like reading too much nor trying to understand things >.< my brain uses all it's power only to get better!~

my genius existence, random

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