you know what they say..
I don't know, but, hi everyone!
First I want to give immense thanks to everyone that gave their support & care towards the situation with my dog, Peggy. It helped alot to know that so many people cared enough to leave me such sweet messages. She's doing better now, although the wound is still open but it is healing.. so we are still hoping for the best.
Over the past week or two I think I've gotten about 10 packages. Basically all of the things I've been waiting for from Hong Kong and pre-orders and blah and blah.. things I bought a looong time ago.
I got 10 new sticker sacks for my shop :D Most of them are old designs I've had, but there were a few new ones. My favorite were the appletown girls stickers, they smell soooo good and are so cute! Other things in the picture are from a sweet gift package one of my customers sent me!
I've been REALLY excited waiting for my friend Emi's package.. and boy was it AWESOME!! It cheered me up sooo much, especially since it came at just the right time..
I love the Walkie Bit, Plushies, Outfits, Origami, everything!! She sent me many things and some really cute letters! Some things you can't really see are two super adorable mechanical pencils & pins.
The Walkie bit is really adorable, I opened him up a couple of days ago and they are tooo cute! I'll take more pictures of him later.
Deffinitally the most prized package that I had coming by purchase was the Zuora I bought.. I love Harlequin so much!
She has a very detailed and pretty face.. I actually love her bottom lashes (which most don't seem to exactly adore) and and her sweet expression.. she's just perfect.
Man was it hard to get her hood on by the way.. I struggled with making it perfect for about a half hour. Yeah, she's never leaving her stock outfit by the way.
About two weeks ago my mom went to order a plush for me from Sanrio that I was dying for.. but for some reason her card was rejected so we couldn't pay. Then I tried to order it and it ended up being sold out, blah. Imagine my surprise when the package arrived at my doorstep afterall.. XD
SO SO CUTE! I looove Tenorikuma and this plush is so perfect. He is actually a bean bag plush and filled very smartly so that he can sit up super cute. I also got along with him a Baby Cinnamon eraser and a gift for my friend Risse.
A couple of days ago I also got a nice package from my friend in Japan.. I squealed muchly upon opening!
Aiiie all the ghostly goodness!! I love love the letterset and wash cloth.. I wanted that letterset for the longest time and it's pretty much impossible to find here nowadays. It comes with a little fan that is soo cute. She also sent some memo sheets you can't really see, some of Ruu & Suu (a new san-x character I am so in love with!)
Ahh so.. that's all with pictures for now. I actually planned to take ALOT more.. especially of Harlequin, but meh.. I've just been so physically & emotionally drained lately that taking pictures isn't easy for me right now.
I got my first job last Thursday, officially. I am now your fast, fun, & friendly Target employee! Whee! Orientation was fun, especially the "sexual harassment" part of one of the videos. So far I really like it there, despite the back & foot pain.. all the staff is super-nice, and we even get free munchies sometimes (yesterday was taco bell day). The only downside is discount is only 10%, and you aren't allowed to hold merchandise at all. Also, if you work on your break you can be fired, lol XD~
I was so incredibly nervous cashiering for the first time.. all those buttons, jeez! I figured it would be: scan item, take cash, give change. Nooo there are speed monitors on the systems so you have to be fast or you get a negative on your employee score. If the customers take too long to pay it's your fault too! So you have to tell them to put their credit card in early, suspend the transaction if with cash, etc... yeesh, and customers can be sooo damn annoying. "Oh wait I wanted to add these 50 coupons you have to manually figure out the ammount for", "Hold on let me give you exact change.. 95 cents yes.. oh let me see.. not in this wallet.. maybe this one... nope oops.... oh deary where's that change purse.." "ITS NOT WORKING ITS UR FAULT NOT THE COMPUTERS NOW I BET IT CHARGED MY CARD TWICE GRRR STUPID CASHIER". *facepalm*
Blah, and the day before yesterday I started getting sick.. and now I'm really sick. I just hope it goes away by Friday, when I go back to work again. I think we either get our paychecks this friday or next friday, I'm not sure.. but whenever then I can FINALLY pay Shana & Linds. Please don't hate me Lindsay!
Well, a plus & minus at working there is now I get to see all the stuff they have out or are putting out when I'm on stocking duty during close. I found a really adorable gift for my friend Jessica that I picked up seeing as it was the only one left, and got something for my friend Aly. I also have a cute gift picked out for Lindsay online.. I want to make all my friend's christmas special this year! Hopefully I can raise enough money to get most of my luvvies something.
I got Hikki & Marle all dressed up cute for a photoshoot. I'm excited to take it, hopefully I'll feel up to it soon. Yesterday I got a couple of christmas sticker sacks for my shop so I might add those up soon.
I only have one package left to be waiting on which is kind of sad for me.. XD since I'm officially on purchasing leave untill I get all my debts payed off. At least Shana & Lindsay aren't my landlords though, luckilly just cutelords.
One thing I have to say is: fear me. Fear me with the having a steady income. Yes, fear me damn good. For I hold the power of living at home with money I can throw away. HEAR ME ROAR.
PS- I LOVE YOU GUYS. Thanks for all the support and I hope you enjoyed. Sorry there weren't too many pictures this time around.. but hopefully when I'm feeling better, I'll be up to much much more. Leave comments or I'll sick Tom Cruise on you!