Hie everyone.. I know my LJ used to be cute dose of kawaii every day.. and I'm sorry it hasn't been lately.. hopefully this post will make up for it.
If you really don't care to read about me you can skip to the pics ;P
How is everyone doing lately? I have been -ok-. For some reason I just have been really depressed lately, and I have no idea why. I dunno, maybe it's because I'm on my girly times. I just feel kind of lonely, and like a bad person.. blah.
I feel bad for many reasons though. Firstly, I'd like to apologise to my dear friends Emi, Jessica, Annie, & Aly. When I get depressed like I am right now I really get into this.. loner mood, you know? Where I don't feel like talking to people, where I am just keeping to myself and don't really know what to talk about or how to commit to a conversation like I usually do. I'm really very sorry, I haven't been ignoring you.. I just.. blah.. I'm sorry.
I also want to apologise to all of my friends on my friendslist. I was going to have a special thing for halloween where all of you could e-mail me your addresses and I would send out a halloween grab-bag of stationary & gifts. I even bought the giftbags.. but I just don't have enough money right now. I went a little crazy spending money this month because I made alot from eBay, so I wanted to treat myself since the last couple of months have been very slow for me (which is actually the main reason why I haven't been posting many photo entries).
Luckilly I have enough to pay off the debts I owe, except maybe Lindsay's loot, I am $10 short I think. Although I will be paying her and other people off first in priority comparing to my doll payment in November, I think. Although I know Linds is sweet enough to be patient, I just can't stand making my favorite sellers wait for money, because I know how freaking annoying it is myself. The thing is I am waiting on over $100 in payments from people, both eBay and LJ, so I am not counting it as a balance for myself. I used to do that but it just leads to problems, so I don't anymore. The money I get from what is owed is going to go towards any debt and investing in my shop.. because I really badly need new stock.
The current shop problems I have is probably my main depression thing right now. My shop is one of my driving happiness forces, so not being able to really work with it makes me sad, and kind of bored. I like to make my customers feel extra special by including gifts & freebies, by packing it nice, so lately selling things has been hard with my money problems because a big cut is taken out to make my shipments special. I feel bad when I just send some memo sheets and stickers as a freebie (which is my standard freebie since July), because I feel like I should send more.. but when you spend $0.25-0.50 on every purchase, it ends up counting up to sooo much that it was getting hard. (When I started out I used to give erasers and things that would run me that much)
I think I might just start giving out sticker sheets soon. One of my other shop problems is I ran out of pencils for my pencil grabbie -.- I don't like going back on my word, so right now I am using my own personal collection pens & pencils, because I would feel bad if I didn't send cute ones. I wish target still had the ones I needed..
Blah, other than all the above mentioned (and some family problems) I am doing ok!!
I got to go to alot of fun places this week. I went to about 8 differant stores (little family run ones have really cute stuff sometimes) and a couple of oriental markets. I ran out of candy for the halloween candy grab-bags for my shop so I got a bag of White Rabbit! I looove it, so yummy, I ate around 20 LOL! It is a soft chewy candy that has a milk flavor to it. It was only $1.29 a bag, so cost effective too.
I also went to a very special store.. the doll store!! I love that place sooo much. This time I not only picked up a re-ment set but..
These adorable handmade shoes!!! ^__^ At least I think they are handmade. They were a killer price too, only $6.00! (For those not in the dolly world, that is reaaally cheap for shoes like this!) They had some other styles too.. I am deffinitally going back for more hehe. I picked the black mary-janes because they are just too adorable, and they have lil pearls on the side (hard to see).
The re-ment I got is great. I really badly wanted to the apple pie set, so I got it ^^
"Let me demonstrate how to make plastic pie!.. first we squeeze apple into this weird thing. then we put apples in cute bowl with a plastic spatula thing..!"
"voila pie!!"
"won't you have a piece?"
My only problem with the set is that the whipped cream is not removeable from it's plate, and the plate itself is so cute.. it's a shame. That's kind of typical for miniatures though. Also this one came with less stuff it felt like, than the birthday set (only one roll-out this time).
By the way, I made that necklace above that Lette-chan is wearing. Isn't it just ADORABLE?! I am so in love with it!! I know it's simple but it just matches her soo well, especially in that outfit. It's amazing what one little accessory can do for an outfit.
I stopped at a store on the way home and got a pack of these cute bear rings. They are little lip glosses that are flavored hehe. I thought they would be a cute l'il thing to throw in friend's packages.
The first place we stopped actually was at a dollar store and I got a couple pairs of earrings. I wore the strawberries the whole day hehe. As my friends know I have a bit of an obsession with earrings lol, so I had to get some XP I kind of collect them in a way haha!
Well, that was yesterday. The day before that I got a reaaally great gift package from my friend Risse, who is one of the most sweet girls and quickly becomming one of my most best friends. I just adore her. Nothing cheers me up like a gift from one of my dearest friends.
Sooo much kawaii!! She sent me some sticker packets, a sticker sheet, memos, care bear cards (funshine!!), an oba-kun felt pin she made, hand-painted bags for this month's raffle in my shop, and a suuuper pretty drawing!
The sticker packets are great. They have 3 differant type of stickers, and a little 1/2" pin! I collect pins, so I was really happy to get this. (I generally only collect 1/2"-1" pins too, so great score!!) The flakes are really cute, and what's nice is each section has a part you can open so you don't have to ruin the whole package. You can even seperate the sections if you wanted, and give them to friends!
Aren't the baggies so adorable? I just love them! She was supposed to send me 4 though, evil girl!! Just teasing Risse XD! The sticker sheet is really cute too. It went right into my collection ^__^
Reaaally cute envelope that contained this terrific drawing. My mother was in awe of it. It's really great, especially for a 14 year old girl!! Much better than I was at her age. She'll grow to be an amazing artist, I'm sure of it.
(then I can sell this one on eBay when she's famous $_$--- jk jk!!)
Then today I got a couple of packages :D
Firstly I got this suuuper great package from MyTarson. The owner is a real sweetheart. A month or so ago I bought some sticker sacks and a gift for my friend Risse, but it got lost in the mail. She was nice and re-sent the gift (which she had to special find for me) and let me choose replacement sticker sacks.
I also decided to order those natto-chan pencil caps, because I am really getting into them what with my pencil/pen love! They are so cute, especially the dangling charm of Natto-chan.
I got these really great Nightmare Before Christmas nightlights. The front lights up and illuminates the characters..
And the back has a light projection! How neat is that? I bought them to project on the wall outside during halloween. What I thought was funny is that the Shock, Lock, & Barrel has a Jack projection, the Oogie Boogie has an Oogie Boogie projection, and the Jack one (I don't have it) has a Sally projection. I think actually it would be better if the front characters just projected, their shadows. Now that would be cool, to see oogie boogie's grinning shadow!
Speaking of, I'm really excited of the recent re-release of The Nightmare Before Christmas that is in theatres now. It's supposed to have some new 3D technology that they use in a few Disney movies a while ago. You get to use these sunglasses XD (Not the blue & red glasses kind of thing lol). Unfortunetly that means I have to wear my contacts again, gah, it's been so many years that it's weird putting them in. I wanted to get a NBC contact lens case for the event but the only people that have them are in Hong Kong. Blah.
I can't can't wait though.. I haven't seen it on the big screen since I was so young that I don't very much remember seeing it. The whole family is going so it should be fun. I just wish Marle could go with me. I will have to resist singing along to all the songs lol... but I will probably bring my Jack doll.
Today was kind of fun. I took a trip down to the mall to get new stock for my shop from Sanrio. Unfortunetly they didn't really have much new stuff, but of the new stuff they did have it was really great.
Mixed in here is also stationary I got in the mail today. Everything but the pink memo pad underneath the panda one, the panda memo pad, and the capsule children set in the corner is from Sanrio. That little beige thing was a really wonderful freebie the worker gave me!! It's actually a keychain light, how awesome ^__^ and the hello kitty sticker sheet all the way in a corner is an mp3 player sticker wrap, that you get for free with a $20 purchase. (If any of you want it you can have it, I don't have an mp3 player)
This was really one of the best things I have seen in a while from Sanrio!! Usually I do not care too much for their memo pads but when I saw this sheet I flipped out lol!! How adorable is that? The other sheets are SO cute too! As you can see on the cover in the previous picture, she has on bunny ears ^__^ how cuuute!
I forgot how cheap Sanrio pencils were, the wooden kind. They are only 50 cents each, so I grabbed the two cute ones I found-- Tenorikuma & Pandapple. I actually don't care much for wooden pencils, but since I collect pencil caps now, I wanted to start getting some for my new natto-chan caps to sit on (because keeping stationary MIP is the lamest thing ever :P) and the Tenorikuma one was just irresistable!! The erasers just topped the cuteness off!
These two egg-shaped guys are stamps! They were a great deal too, only $1.50 each! Much cheaper than getting them on eBay.
The stamps actually work pretty well, alot better than the cube stamps (which I will show you guys another day). The pandapple one doesn't work as nice as the baby cinnamon one though, so I'm pretty sure all stamps are hit-or-miss. That's my only annoyance with stamps that aren't foam, they always suck lol :P but I find them irresistable anyway, I love stampers for my packaging.
The capsule children mini memo pad case is soo cute! I'm giving the mini memos to my friends for their gift packages. I got them alot of the same things (but in differant designs, picked specifically), I hope you guys don't take it the wrong way and enjoy them very much.
Well, that's all the packages I got. Except for my DaLs. I know I should have made a LJ entry when I got them. It probably seems like I don't like them very much or am unenthusiastic about them by not posting one, but I posted a lengthly entry on them in the forums (PullipStyle). They are really one of the best things I purchased this year, and it was the most exciting delivery I had since I got Nina.
Here are a couple of pictures for the people that didn't see:
For those that don't know, they are very special dolls to me because they are based off of two of my most special original characters. They are deeply in my heart so getting them was a deep pleasure, since I saw their first promos.. they look exactly like my characters. That is why I was so crushed when Fiori (the purple haired) was changed, but she does look really lovely afterall. I still would like to rewig her, and get her new eyechips.. but otherwise she is still so beautiful.
Which leads me to.. the new pullips & DaL for January had their promos released. The new pullip is another release in the Rozen Maiden line, of
Suigintou. I think she looks really cool, although her hair is silver afterall (like on the left). The new DaL release is
Rot-chan (pronounced "wrote", derived from German). I think she's cute, but I wish they chose a differant one, because all of the DaL faceups so far are sooo similar that I think it's not the right time for her. I wish they were more themed Pullips/DaL like the old days of Type 1/2 also, these days it's more like fashion and not a story.
The mini Pullip is
RIDa. She looks horrible. I wish they'd stop using eyeliner on minis, it looks really bad on them out of the promo pics. But then I don't really like minis anyway, very few I want. I much prefer Dollcena. Though, I do LOVE seeing the minis of original sized dolls.. I don't really like the completely new minis too much, because I think having a mini of your doll is really really cuuuute. I want to see them do all of the pullips in mini size. So get on it JP! Mini Chicca pleeease!
About Suigintou.. if you saw her other two promo pics, they are really crappy. So I decided to touch them up for you guys to give you a better idea of how Suigintou will probably look-
She looks nice now huh? XD No heavy editing, just made it look better quality and more lifelike. Free to share with anyone, just please no direct linking.
I'm pretty excited for my RM dolls. I'm wondering what I will do with them when I get them. Will I just keep them in their outfits? It's a weird thought, but I'm not sure if I want to change them from their character. It would be like naming my Jack doll "Hiroshi".. lol..
Anyway, I'm finally done (phew!- finally right? XD)
I just want to thank all of my dear friends I've met on LJ. Before I joined LJ I felt a little bit of emptiness.. but now I've met so lovely people, and love to share my life and get feedback.. it helps me feel alot better about myself. You are all very special to me.
Please do leave comments, and let me know how all of you are doing lately!! *hugs*
And if you actually read this whoooole thing, I love you even more! XD ♥
P.S.- Everyone waiting on comment & e-mail responses from me, please be patient. I have been out almost all week (and ended up having to clean the entire house from the weekend through monday) so I haven't had a chance to really get to them. I hope you understand.