Well, I've been having the worst days since a couple years ago lately and getting Rinnini's package had really cheered me up..
Right when I got the package in the mail I felt a bit of happiness fill my heart for once.. I knew it was my necklace from Rinnini. When I opened it I was even more happy! Everything inside was so sweet.. I love the little Apollo box, it's one of my favorite chocolates! The sticker sheet is too cute.. and even the wrapping was adorable... thank you so so much Rinnini.
I really have been feeling so bad lately, and getting this cheered me up alot! I don't know why, because I get many things in the mail and it never really makes me happy.. but all the extra things she included and how well she made my necklace really made me feel a bit better..
Sorry for the pic is a bit blurry, I really love how it looks! It's changeable into a bracelet, and also reversable! It's so cute.. I'm so happy with it.
Thank you so much Rinnini, really!
Also I got a package with my clothes from Cauldroness, thank you for the fast delivery Cauldy.
I put the shirt on Jasper right away, and I love it! It's really cute, although I still haven't taken off her bloomers, socks, & shoes.
She really has the prettiest face.. I adore her.
Well, thank you for looking. I still have more pics to post of other things, ahh so much to do.. thanks for reading and any comments, and thanks for the often support of my sadness everyone. I feel very lonely most of the time and reading your care for me really cheers me up.
Oh, I just opened the apollo box, I totally forgot about the Ring amist the happiness! Unfortunetly it broke when it came out ;_; Probably my fault, but don't worry Nix, I will fix it!!