You know, it's amazing how the seller gave me the tracking # a day before it was scheduled to arrive. Yeah thanks that's so helpful XP Jeez some people.
My dollcena was happy she would have a new friend arrive so quickly.. I guess by the box size she thought it would be many new friends!
Who is it I wonder?
Why.. it's..
Jasper! My lovely Cornice! Wow, can I say she is much more beautiful in person than I would have expected. She certainly stands out!! It took alot of thinking before I managed to take her out of her stock outfit, and I couldn't really believe it was sooo many pieces. It looked just like a one-piece dress to me! Boy am I silly.
She's so so pretty, really she is! The only thing I wouldn't like about her is the skintone, but it actually flatters her quite well. Hehe I find it funny that Cornice is obitsu'd so much, I think I've seen her with an alternate body more than any other Pullip.
The only thing that I've found bothersome are her shoes. Those laces won't stay tied!! I swear, no matter how many times I do it. XP They just find a way. I put her in a more colorful and fruitsy outfit, which is cute. I'm not sure what her style will be yet, actually I think it will be anything, really, as that's how I can picture her being. She's wearing 3 of my kawaii hairclips XD They look so cute on her.
So you know, I took alot more pictures but I've been feeling crappy and tired so I will wait until tomorrow.
Oh, I ordered my first sugarmag outfit. ^^ Not sure if they will fit Pullip, but I have the backup of it fitting my blythe if it doesn't, hehe. I'm sure the shirt will fit, just not sure on the pants since Type 3s have the biggest butts ever XP Hourglass much.
Anyway it's really cute, and about the same price as buying an ugly barbie for her clothes, except better.. cause A) it's handmade, and B) it's 2000x cuter. Expect pictures, hehe. I especially bought it for my girl to wear on the trip down to Aly's later on, I thought to get my girl some special travel things. I'm not sure on who I'm bringing down yet.. I might bring Jasper (Cornice) since I don't think any of them have seen her in person yet (what do you think Aly?)
Well anyway..
After the loving unwrapping of Cornice and staring at her gorgeous face for 30 minutes, mom and I got to gardening. Since a month or so ago we planned to start and have been really taking good care of our Palm Trees. We don't want to be those lazy girls on the block, we want our home to be the kind of place you want to drive slow for! Our Palms are looking beautiful compared to when we first got here.
Hehe, I bought a cute little pink & green plant a while ago. I forget the name of the plant, but I named it Fumi, haha. She's already getting so biiiig. XD
Mom taught me how to get the beginning pots ready, since I've never really gardened before, it was fun actually. I took a pic of mom with the little pods.
I did all that XP I just wanted to take a pic of her. XDD Right now we are planting Sunflowers & Cosmos. Sunflowers because they are one of my favorites and Cosmos because they are an Animal Crossing favorite, hehe. Did you know Sunflowers grow 8-10 feet tall!?! Seriously, that's huge!
Speaking of tall, recently there has been on the news about some people who actually buy the kind of lizards that will get really tall and then let them go. I'm talking 4-5 feet tall. No kidding. There have been sightings of them running wild in the area. O_o;;; If I ever seen one I swear to god I am RUNNING. I love lizards, but not huge dinosaur lizards that will scare teh shit out of me!! *thinks of scene from jurassic park..*
Anyway, I'll post more on Jasper tomorrows. For now I am going to try to sleep... thank you. <3