lost cause

May 13, 2008 15:52

So much shit is going on in my life right now. I'm getting the same thing over and over again. You're to young FUCK I'm sorry that I don't act my fucking age. I'm glad I don't fucking act 17 I have to do shit with my life and I don't have the time to fuck around. I'm not going to be a "kid" why does the world think that every person must have a point in their life where they must play with toys and not take on adults things. I'm sorry that I wasn't born 4 years earlier it's by far not my fault I wouldn't know you I bet! I don't care for people I don't need a babysitter that goes off and tells on me when I'm doing something that other don't approve. Stay out of my life, I'm not trying to get into yours.

I got in a fucking car accident last night and all I got was people making me feel bad cause I should of know better not to get in the car! Well I don't understand where you come off it wasn't our fault. The bitch driver hit us we weren't driving bad then I just get treated like shit! FUCK I can''t wait to leave this city for a while. I don't need people like this anymore.
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