I'm home from work today because I was feeling under the weather... no, literally. People probably don't understand the meaning or the origination of the term, but basically the barometric pressure (high and low) affects people's sinuses and makes them feel like shit. Unfortunately, I'm one of those people. The constant shift from low to high pressure (shitty to good weather, and vise versa) has been fucking up my sinuses and giving me post nasal drip and a massive headache. I went through this a lot in the fall, and I knew that it would only come back to haunt me. :(
Since I'm bored, I'm going to talk about my apartment, haha. Since January, it has been "de-fagged" according to Scott... hahaha. I suppose the pictures are explanation enough. Take note... blue is pretty awesome and God bless Ikea. Hail the Swedes!
The bathroom used to be magenta, but now it looks like it's bubbly and underwater.
The living room used to look like a "hospital" because it was so bland and white, but now it looks pretty cool.
(Yes, he was doing kickflips in the living room at 1:30 morning... I bet the downstairs people love him!)
The apartment finally feels like a "home" instead of just a place to sleep every night and store stuff in.