Amist the vulgarity, the bastardization of Christianity... there is a refreshing light that shines through. I suggest reading "God's Politics" by Jim Wallis. After seeing him speak on the Daily Show today, it gives me hope that not every single person has been brainwashed by the garbage that the Bush adminstration exudes. He honestly speaks from a true Christian heart instead of this pro-war, pro-killing and anti-humanitarian fervor that the Bush adminstration has blasted into everyone's faces for the past several years. I'm not lambasting only the religious right of course, but the liberal left as well. They have failed to address what this book is about. They failed to tell people there is still a way to be patriotic, religious and be progressive at the same time; and that not everyone follows in line with the "dictator" that the president has become, and that dissent is okay and should be respected. If you really observed the current politics, you will see the rift that exists... and of course there are those who are too blind, deaf and dumb (exaggeration of course) to realize what is going on. In the most simplistic of terms and without going into extrenous detail, on one side you have a AK-47 toting Jesus (the extreme conservative right) and on the other side you have a hippie communist atheist (the extreme liberal left). It's not that black and white, but it is turning that way! The middle moderate ground (the place where I firmly stand) is being weeded out because they won't "take sides." Well, excuse us if we think both sides are assholes and that "my way or the highway" attitude is not the way to go. This is exactly why I dislike Kerry as much as I do Bush. However, if you wondered why I berated Bush more I did Kerry is because that I never lived in Massachusetts, so I don't know how competent Kerry is as a leader. Obviously, I wasn't going to spew forth discontent about someone that I don't really know about as a politician. On the other hand, we've seen the failures of the Bush, but his minions have managed to successfully sell his ineffectual agenda and saying that it's God's will and "divine mandate."
God's Politics on, check it out... On a completely different note, it's snowed like 2 inches today in the DC metro area, and it totally incapacitated everyone... hahahahah! Scott and I laughing about how VA/MD/DC are pansies when it comes to snow. I mean, considering where we both used to live... a few inches is a good day and that nothing will shut down even if there is 3 feet of snow outside, hahahaha. Yeah, I'm home from work because of the "bad weather." My boss told me not to come in... hahahah, days off rule. :)