Oct 27, 2004 11:48
So today I was walking on campus and I saw something that flared my temper and raised my eyebrow, there was a flyer on one of the boards that said "The Sellout v. The FOB - Images of Asian culture, and bringing the two together." I said to myself, "You have to be fucking kidding me?!"
I don't care but I'm going to totally turn this into a socio-cultural tirade. I'm the kind of person to get along with someone because of who they are and their personality, not because of their race. As a matter of fact, I despise most Asians and most of the people I associate with are white. Why is that? It's who I have most in common with. I grew up in the "White American" culture of living in the suburbs, having yuppie parents and going to private school for the first 8 years of primary school. It's funny because the "Filipino groups" always asked my mom why she didn't bring my brother and I to the "gatherings" and shit. She straight up told them we're American and if she wanted us to have the "culture" she'd let us grow up back in the Phillippines. Since of course my mom is brilliant, my mom birthed my brother and I in the States because she knew we deserved a better life. I fucking hate all these race issues and the problems they bring up. Seriously, why must we have these dividing lines... blacks v. white, muslim v. jew, the sellout v. the fob, etc... WHO FUCKING CARES! I hate these "... pride" anything. I hate white pride... fuck the KKK and Nazis. I hate black pride... fuck you Nation of Islam. I hate Catholic pride... Mel Gibson is a fucking anti-semetic wacko even though he's an oustanding actor. I hate Asian pride... take your rice and dog eating bullshit else where. I swear to God, why can't we just be people instead of having these pride divisions. To show that I'm not completely crazy, I know some black people who grew up in "white yuppie America" and they feel the same way as I do. There was this one kid who even told me he doesn't like black chicks; he just doesn't find them attractive. He likes all kinds but black ones. See, it's how he grew up and tailored his preference. Believe you me, trying to make him join a pride group and calling him a "sellout" is going to change anything. Seriously, I've seen and heard enough of these groups trying to tie me back in with the Asian community... it's not going to happen, ha! I'm going to end up in yuppieville, with my white husband, my half white children and living the "American" life.
Okay, I'm out... time to see the doctor.