You are deep pink!
Your dominant hues are red and magenta. You love doing your own thing and going on your own adventures, but there are close friends you know you just can't leave behind. You can influence others on days when you're patient, but most times you just want to go out, have fun, and do your own thing.
Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative.
Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the html color quiz Seriously, how perfectly does that describe me? It's practically to a tee. Anyway, one thing I'd like to point out in that specifically... it says people either love me or hate me and I don't have patience for people without my initiative, and well it's goddamn true. I realize when it comes to me, there is no in between... people are on either extreme when it comes to their opinion. Those who hate me only feel that way because they do not understand me. They do not know where I come from, where I get off saying things and what I am all about. Basically, their own ignorance blinds them and yet they want to pin me as the "bad guy." What's funny, people hate me for all the same reason(s)... it's nothing new. I am "hated" because I know a lot of people and I have a lot of devotion towards them. Weird thing to be hated for, but I'll explain later. I am "hated" because I am not afraid to speak my mind and not bullshit. In this world everyone grew up to lie to one another, placate each other's emotions and put on a facade of fake sympathy. Unfortunately, I am not like that. I am straight forward, relentless and scathingly honest. I am the antithesis of what a lot of people grew accustomed to and when they come across me, they are taken aback and end up "hating me." Is it any wonder that I am involved in politics? No, absolutely not... I was MADE for that shit. People can't handle the truth, therefore instead of taking into consideration their own downfalls, they want to call me the "bitch" for calling it as I see it. You ask me something, and I will tell you with no bullshit story.
On the flip side of everything, people love me... IRONICALLY for the same reasons others hate me for. These people understand me, they know where I am coming from and are likeminded individuals. These people know that I am dedicated, hard working, driven, opinionated and pretty much one of the nicest people anyone could ever meet... and because of my friendliness, I know a lot of people. I have friends spanning the east coast, west coast and everything in between. I hardly get to see them, but when I do... it's like my attention fully goes to them. It's like the world stops for these people that I adore. I could go on forever with names... but that isn't necessary because anyone that reads this knows that I post about them. It's always a pleasure to hang out with Moshele and Crystal, my boys from Minneapolis, my boys from Connecticut, my boys from DC Metro area, my boys in Philly/Jerz, my boys from the Carolinas, my boys in Cali, my girls in Cali and so on and so forth. When I am with these people, I soak up every single moment because who knows when I will see them again.
However, all of this... has been a centerpiece of "drama" that I've been dragged into by a certain individual. You will read this and think it is the most asinine cause for drama ever... and it is. This individual cannot comprehend that my friends live all over the country, and if they are in town visiting, I will be spending a whole lot of time with them. WAY BACK IN APRIL... a friend from Connecticut was in Virginia Beach. The last time I saw him was AUGUST 2003. Anyone in my position would've done the same thing... spend the whole night with him hanging out and catching up on life. Moshele and Crystal were also in town visiting but I held off hanging out with them. I told them the situation and they understood... we also agreed more to hang out the next day since most of my time was being spent with someone I haven't seen since August of LAST YEAR. Anyway, this individual is now making outrageous claims about me and thinking he knows what's up with my life and what goes on with my friends whom HE DOES NOT EVEN KNOW. He talks and talks like he knows, but he doesn't. Anyone with just even half a brain will know all that he says is false. Basically, because I didn't hang out with him in Virginia Beach and I was with someone from Connecticut... he makes an OUTRAGEOUS generalization that I am just out to "fuck guys in bands." Again, I'll repeat... "anyone with just even half a brain will know all that he says is false." Since that time in April, I've apologized OVER AND OVER to this person and I told him the same story I told Moshele and Crystal. The girls understood, but he still didn't get it through. So yeah, now it all leads to him talking behind my back and then eventually all of it getting back to me through several people. Anyway, I saw this person on Wednesday and he was definitely bitter towards me because I was hanging out with Too Pure To Die and Suffocate Faster. He still makes claims that I am just out to get in their pants. Little does he know that these boys in Suffocate Faster and Too Pure To Die have LONG TIME girlfriends and are practically married. As a matter of FACT, most IF NOT ALL the guys I am friends with have long time girlfriends or wives. I am still the LITTLE SISTER/one of the boys in their eyes. Like I said, people hate me because I have devotion to many people. They take my kindness for a weakness and try to exploit it.
In the words of Jozie, "There are no such thing as old or new friends, just true friends." Each day I realize who they are and others just drop off.