uh... first, i guess? -- [ voice ]

Jun 29, 2009 09:39

[ sounds of rustling followed by muffled curses. A girl’s voice can be quietly heard in the background -- ] … fer turnin’ this thin’ on, any’way. Bunch’a baloney, sendin’ a cute innocent girl t’a place like this an’ - [ a few clicks, and her voice rings clear now, although she seems to be yelling … ] OI! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME? SERGE? YA OUT THERE, MATE?

Bugger this can’t be happenin’ again… Don’t even remember anythin’ bad happenin’ this time a’round… There was that crazy Luccia, oh yeah, an’ she gave me that letter from sis… but after that…

GLENN? How about ya? CAN YA HEAR ME? Bloody hell, I’d even settle fer… ugh, Karsh. Gawd! Who knows if this thin’ is even on!


voice, this thin' on?, listen t'me!!, oi!!

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