Oct 17, 2004 19:00
So Jenna and Alyssa and Ana never came, because it was too "inconvienient". Okay. Whatever. So I talked to people all day on AIM...when your talking to the right people, that can actually be enjoyable. Some can just say the right things that really make you feel better.
After that, I got in a huge fight with Noelle. Everyones like, Oh, you and your sister will get along once you get older. That's not true. Me and Noelle are so different. I'm not sure we'll ever get alone like "sisters" do.
This day is pathetic. I slept for two hours in my bedroom, then came downstairs, ate dinner, and watched Stewart Little. psh. That movie sucks ass.
So, Ana's not having movie night now. I need friends that make plans and STICK to them >_>