Feb 26, 2004 21:50
So I've been really really sick lately, didn't want to talk about it cause I didn't one to scare anyone but it's been one infection after a freakin nother, and now i'm better but all broken out! At first I had a huge cyst below my tail bone that was infected, I got it drained and was put on an antibotic, a penicillian or how ever you spell it, my butt was feeling much better after this painful proceedure, then, they next day i got a throat infection, white spots all over my throat, i was miserable. so they gave me a higher more expensive dosage penicillian or how ever it's spelled. and you have to take all the pills untill their gone, to knock whatever it is out of your system, Today i was feeling great, fabulous, all the white spots have been gone from my throat for 2 days the cyst is gone i was feeling great. So I get dressed to go to school happy to finally leave my house that i've been stuck in for two weeks only leaving to go to doctors and i find the rash. I am now allergig to penicillian, don't you guys watch the ER? that drug can save your life, now i'm allergic, bummer in summer. I'm on an allergy pill and i got a shot. i am miserable and I look like an oompa loompa and i itch, it will be gone in a couple of days, actually it should definitly die down tomorrow, but i'm telling you all this now because now my show on sunday is ultra important! MY SHOW IS NOW A DANCE PARTY TO CELEBRATE ME BEING BETTER! So you guys better come now! check out the site if you need more info, www.dirtychildren.us. call me this weekend, i'll be home taking oatmeal baths.