Apr 14, 2005 17:22
Well well well. It's been a while, and alot has happened since I last updated.
The band spent almost all of last week practicing for the MBP show on Saturday, and when Saturday morning came, we found out the show had been moved to Monday night. Lame. So we decided to have my band, A December Away and When Tomorrow Comes Crashing play at Jesse's house. WTCC played. Then we played. Right as we were finishing our set. The cops roll up. Great. They told us we had to shut everything off. We were like, Okay. And did. Jesse's mom starts SCREAMING at me, because I told all the neighbors about the show. She called me a liar, and said that I was making her look bad in front of her neighbors, et cetera. I began to yell back. Then I felt guilty, so apologized. I expected an apology back, but didn't recieve one. A December Away didn't get to play, so we all went to Matt's house. I think that's who it was. Either way. It was the singer, for those of you who know. and then they played. I didn't get to go, cause we got lost. So we went back to my house. and Jon and Colleen spent the night at my house. We watched movies, and then fell asleep.
The next day, we woke up. My dad cooked breakfast for everyone. Then we left and went to Colleens house. The plan was for the three of us to meet up with the band at MBP, play, and then go home. Well. My band waited around all day, and didn't leave in time. Basically, they couldn't get to MBP in time, I couldn't find someone to go before us, so we couldn't play. Jon and I went back to Colleens, and left not long after that.
This week has been pretty lame. Alot of it I can't remember. The band decided to break up. Jesse, Tay and Ryan wanted to start something new. So good luck with that guys. I'm thinking about starting another project, but we'll see. I talked to Patt about playing for Rise From Ruin. Nothing's for certain yet, but I'm keeping my options open. So we'll see how that goes.
Tuesday I skipped school with my friend Mike. We went to Washington Music Center. I've never been there before. This place was AMAZING. It was probably one of the coolest places I've ever been. Anyways. I got caught skipping, and got suspended for a day. So today I got to stay home from school. I did alot of laundry for my mother. I still need to wash my clothes. I also cleaned all the bathrooms. So they look nice.
My grandfather died yesterday morning. Don't say sorry. Don't apologize. It's not your fault. So don't feel sorry. People die. There's nothing I can do to change it. I'll miss him alot. He got me playing drums. But I'll always be playing in memory of him. Rest In Peace, Pop. "Burn out, Not fade away."