To illustrate what I am about to explain, the truth about the situation in Gaze:
As some may know from following the news, and as some of you might not. Gaza has been shelling Israel with rockets since they ended the "cease fire" (during which they ANYWAY fired rockets) on December 19th. The insane increase of rocket fire has basically disabled normal life in the whole southern part of the country. They are not bombing "just" causes such as military personnel but regular, normative, every day citizens without discrimination of age or sex. People who are trying to live their lives. Hamas' only goal and wish for achievement is based on pure bloodlust.
Israel proposed cease fires but were turned down by Hamas, the terrorist organization democratically elected by the Gazan people to rule them. Hamas in reply to the cease fire requests increased rocket launches.
Basically, imagine what would happen if Mexico shelled Dallas, to the point that no businesses could open. People couldn't leave their homes (not that those are safe against long range missiles). School was canceled and life was put on halt for fear of death.
For my Canadian friends: How would you like it if NY shelled Ontario?
No country can tolerate or accept constant threat and action against half a million citizens. So Israel went on the defensive. We started with Air Force raids to stop the rocket launchers and the terrorists. Instead of backing down Hamas increased the range and number of rockets fired upon Israel. They are bombing the bigger cities, including the 5th largest city in Israel which also happens to host the electric company's main engines- which also supply FREE electricity to Gaza (and most of Israel, all be it not for free).
Today Israel launched a ground offensive into Gaza.
I fully support each action taken by my country to protect me and my fellow citizens from an enemy who has sworn to kill and wipe us off the face of the earth.
I only hope Israel's soldiers come home safely after they have completed this task of annihilating the threat on Israeli civilians. Many of my friends received tonight mandatory draft notices and will be going into action as well. I hope for their safe and victorious return.
No sane country would let this go on or continue for as long as it has. This is a state of War. And it's about time it stopped being one sided. We will not lie down and die peacefully.
Israel has a right to defend itself and I am proud to call myself an Israeli.
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