mmm mmm mao mm mm mm mm mao

Feb 27, 2005 19:13

yesterday was AMAZINGLY sunny. so was today actually..but let's keep talking about yesterday, shall we?

actually let's go back to friday. okay let's not, i think it was sort of lame. well the day was. WHAT THE F. i suck at livejournal now.

friday night was cool though, me and angie rode the shuttle to some eye makeup remover so i don't look like a crack whore when i wake coffee..YUM WCM! the virgin suicides..i have so many questions! but i need to watch it again. Then we hung out with Angie and Melissa and their guy friends from kent and watched elimidate, and dance 360? (i forget what it's called)..really amazing shows, you can probably tell from the names. haha..okay, the dance show..there was this crazy girl who made like.."i'm going to kill you" faces while her legs were moving in opposite directions and here arms were doing god knows what. THEN ON ELIMIDATE TWO GIRLS GOT KICKED OFF FOR PUNCHING EACH OTHER. what? it was exciting. or i don't know, maybe not..I think we were all sort of high off those little easter egg chocolate things, and plus angie and her friend were drunk and kept saying random things that made me want to pee my pants.

then their friend comes in stoned talking about waterfalls...and tried to pour beer on angie's hair. apparently he was going to "pour one out for the homies."

then yesterday we..walked to fairhaven, and then watched the last home b-ball game with some people...haha, this guy in front of us was so crazy and kept yelling at the other team like.."Learn how to throw the ball you sissy!" "Fuck you ref, fuck you" "HEY NUMBER 12, YOU SUCk".

then watched american scared because it's just..a weird movie. so we watched love actually and felt all lovey..

and i decided that i want someone to come to my door and have a sign that says "to me, you are perfect."

but then again, i am not Kiera Knightly.

today, i've been procrastinating..and wow. 7:35..and i still have like a million things to do. good job alison.

there's this guy that is like 6'3 and wants to meet me for coffee. (he's going to be SO BIG to me!)i said yes because it's not like i have anything to lose..we've been talking and he seems really nice..but i'm pretty sure we're opposites.

so..that is my glorious life right now. I really hope spring quarter will be all sorts of amazing so that i'll have cooler things to do on the weekend and won't have to worry about homework or being so tired from it...honestly, i cannot write anymore essays. i have two on tuesday. is that not ridiculous? plus more on thursday, and then an english portfolio. oh english, i hate you.

but i lOVE THE SUN!! AND OMG OMG..i am almost done with winter quarter! HELLO DISNEYLAND AND SUNSHINE AND SKIRTS..*knock on wood*..
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