Jun 24, 2005 22:08
So more testing of cars. Tonight, we went to Mendota to Schimmer. I test-drove a 97 Dodge Intrepid. Yeah, it's pretty hot. Until we ran out of gas. And it's power steering. If you know anything about cars, it means that I panicked. Hardcore. I had the cruise on going about 57 or so in a 55. I felt like I was speeding when I wasn't, which is good because I've nick-named myself leadfoot. So anyway, the cruise is set and we're going up a hill, a quarter tank of gas, and all of a sudden, the cruise kicks off and we start slowing down. So I'm like, hey, the cruise doesn't work, I'll survive. I hit the gas. The gas does nothing. I'm like "WHAT THE FLIP KIP?!" So I start panicking and my parents are still just chilling in the car. Apparently they are blind, deaf, dumb, and verrryyyyy stupid. Anywho, my mom turned on my hazard lights while I attempted, successfully, to pull the vehicle onto a side road, which like I said, it's power steering, so that was a fun little challenge. But they called my mom later and said that it started up fine and they put a gallon of gas in it, but guys, this car is beautiful, it really is. The only thing that sucks is that gas practically rapes me of my hard-earned cash dammit. But the car is really, really clean. I mean like old lady clean. I decided that I really want it, it's only 3,800$ and I have 3200, so I'm thinking if I get on the "Easy Payment Plan" with Dad, I'll be good. I'm assuming about 200 at the most for insurance, plus tax, title transfer and plates, which is 208, that I'm in pretty good shape. If I figure right, at most I will owe my dad about 1100. Awesomeeeee. Sahhhh-weet. Anyway, I guess this boy thing sucks, a couple people have asked me who it is lately, so I just reply with "it's a secret" but everyone knows who it used to be/still is. And well, only... 2 people, if you include myself, know of the current. Well my mom might because I keep talking about him like it's going outta style. Which it is, because it's like insanely too much. Okay, thanks, bye, I love you.