Pathetic but true

May 14, 2005 21:43

            I am too naked. I show all of my heart and soul and anything on my mind. But as I can see no one cares. No one will be that free and open with me. I say all I feel on this damned thing and I still feel as alone as the day I wrote my first entry.

I have tried with all my effort to not become cold, empty, a shell. Though that is what America wants. Void, annulled, blank. Robotic if you will. I share all of me with anyone that wants to know and no one wants to share them with me. Just feelings, thoughts, emotion, passion, love. How can this world be so bare? Pathetic. Perhaps pathetic is my new word. It fits soo many things. Somebody, someone, open up to me.. trust me.. show me you are ALIVE. If you don’t, what are you even worth? I’m disgusted with the fakeness all around. Live, love, don’t hate, don’t regret, life is too damn short. I could die today, and what would be your last words to me? Think.

~I am to tears after writing that so lets move on shall we?~

I work Extreme tonight again, not too shabby.. more hours and it is kinda fun. And if you haven’t heard the rumor is true, I am having another Trance Party.. (Brought back by popular demand!) it will be early next month and the occasion is Adam’s 21st birthday! <3 got more toys and such for the party. RSVP IS MANDITORY! I NEED INFO WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK!

I even own a lava lamp now. Amazing huh? I loves it. I still love Adam more. No Denny’s tonight.. most of our crew is on a canoe trip.


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