Hmmm. Yesterday was a really good day. It was an all classes day so it seemed to drag on and on. I was with Mark the first half of the day and I had lunch with him :) That was good.
Sherman cried on the bus trying to apologize. I looked away and smiled inside. Bastard. I refuse to ever again correspond with Sherman. Ever. End of story. (I know I didn't even put the story in here but I'm completley blocking it from memory, plus if I type it I fear I may risk vomiting on the keyboard.)
After school Lauren came over and we went to the library. I got many new books. Currently reading Crank. I love it. We were ambushed by a couple 8th graders (one including Taylors Thompsons brother) and they attempted to seduce us. ;) We escaped. Made at the laundrymat at which time Lauren and I booked it across the street through a thigh high bank of snow into McDonalds and I treated us to the best damn Oreo McFlurry's EVER. It was good.
Saw Mark in the morning :D
Got a 100% on my math quiz :)
Had fun in English class :)
Until Mr. Christans started being an ass :|
Mark cheered me up in the hall :)
Got mad at Lauren for part of the day >=0
Went to an assembly about class rings, sat with Mark, Renee and Nolani :) Shawn & my Dad were here when I got home & my Mom was passed out on the couch :|
They left! :D
Things with Lauren were straightned out :D
All is well.. minus the fact that I thought today was Friday and now I have a lot of homework to do. :\
Yeah well I definatley think I'd be intrested in a career in phsycology. When I was talking to Mark on the phone and he got sad I found myself diagnosing him, and actually managed to fix something. I'm really happy I'm intrested in that because I asked Mark to go see and councler and he said he doesn't want to but he said he likes talking to me because I already know everything about him, he can trust me and I usually fix things or at leaste make them better.
MARKS DAD IS A FUCKING COCK SUCKING BITCH. I would love to see him continuessly hit over the head with a board until every last bit of his egotistical, judgemental, rashional, controlling, fake personality was knocked out of him. THAT would make my day.
Now he's decided that he doesn't want Mark to see me ever again. He "wants us to see other people". Yeah. Fucking sweet. I like how HE gets to decide how Mark lives his life. That makes sense..yeah. Mark has absolutley no self confidence or backbone because of that bastard piece of shit. Mark exact words were "Why bother trying to have a backbone or stand up to him? He'll just fuck me over or crush it anyway.." "It doesn't matter if I'm happy, I'm used to this shit" etc. So Marks plan was to wait until we're 16 so that way we can be together. I'm not sure how that seems like a good plan to him but to me that is complete and utter bullshit. I will NOT let some fucking asshole tell me I can't be with someone I've loved and been with for way over a year just because he feels like it. And if I knew Mark wasn't going to do anything I would've done something a lot sooner. I'm going to call that son of a bitch and try to explain to him how Mark is perfectly capable of living his own life and tell him he's basically going to have to live with me being with Mark. If he can't handle that then thats fucking fine with me because I gaurentee I can be as stubborn as he is. He may be older and have more ways to fuck me over but I have just as much of an advantage as he does because I happen to have a certain talent for fucking people over, and a control obsessed Dad with an anger problem so severe that if I convince him somehow that this affects him in a bad way he will have it fixed in a matter of hours. There. Eat that shit bastard.