so the last week of my life has been spent as a photographer's assistant for Shannon Fagan. You probably don't know who he is, but you should. This is his
website. He also has a tonnn of stuff on GettyImages. and it has been a wonderfully enlightening and profitable experience. Alas, he is going back to New York City tomorrow, and I am going back to working only two jobs. But! he is planning on coming back sometime later this month, and when he does, I will most likely be assisting once again. Honestly, it has been so much fun and I've gotten to work with so many great people (including the famous Daniel J. Ping for a day) and I just wish it was a more permanent thing. And one day it will be, only I will be the one behind the camera. I don't know if I could have asked for a better beginner's experience. I'm so anxious to finish school and start my career now. I also really want a digital SLR camera now. Not that I didn't before, but with this and also buying a new expensive laptop the other day I feel a lot more inclined to spend large amounts of money on something that will benefit me for a long time to come.
Other goings-on in my life:
finished second year of college
got a 3.5 and a 4.0 in my photography classes
bought a dress with POCKETS!
almost lost my job at Urban
new Teitur album, "Stay Under the Stars"!!!!
purchased a 14" Apple iBook
officially accepted at Columbia
still no place to live while attending Columbia
became addicted to Coffee Beanery's Caramel Frappalatte
entered three photos in the Detroit MetroTimes Photo Contest (exhibition 5/17-ask for details!)
So that's what's been going on with me. Pretty cool, eh?